Stony Brook University Stony Brook University
Aug. 2012: InterAspect in Special Issue of FMSD

Our article "InterAspect: Aspect-Oriented Instrumentation with GCC appears," appearing in the Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD) special issue on runtime verification, discusses how we extended the InterAspect API with a new tracecut framework. The article is available online from SpringerLink

and from our publications section (PDF).

Aug. 2012: InterAspect Tracecut Released

Release 1.1 of InterAspect, our Open Source GCC plug-in framework, includes new tracecut features for designing complete runtime monitors, in addition to several other new features. The new version is available from the InterAspect web site.

Oct. 2011: RVSE Wins Best Paper Award

We presented "Runtime Verification with State Estimation" (RVSE) at Runtime Verification 2011, where it was awarded Best Paper. RVSE is a technique that estimates the probability that a temporal property is satisfied by a run of a program when there are gaps in the observed execution due to event sampling. The conference paper is available in our publications section (PDF).

Dec. 2010: SMCO Published in STTT

Our article "Software Monitoring with Controllable Overhead," published in Software Tools for Technology Transfer, details our advances in applying control theory to enforce overhead bounds on runtime monitors. The full article is available from our publications section (PDF), and from SpringerLink.

Oct. 2010: InterAspect v1.0 Released

The InterAspect framework, which we presented at Runtime Verification 2010, is now released as an Open Source project under the GPLv3. InterAspect is a framework for developing GCC plug-ins that perform runtime instrumentations, specifed in terms of Aspect-Oriented Programming. The source is availabe at the InterAspect website.

Dec. 2009: Significant progress in design and specification of AOP API for GCC

Stony Brook-JPL collaboration essential in formulating design and specification of the AOP API for the GCC compiler collection. Basing this API on the GCC plug-in architecture has enabled us to develop a flexible AOP framework in which custom code (advice) can be attached to each joinapoint (instrumentation site)

Sep. 2009: Cascade and Global controllers for SMCO fully implemented and extensively benchmarked

In the past 7 months, we have been busy implementing a variety of controllers (integrative and proportional, hierarchical and global) that ensure the overhead due to monitoring does not exceed a user-specified target; extensive benchmarking using the SPEC benchmark suite

Nov. 2009: Ongoing collaboration with JPL Mars Science Laboratory Flight Software team

Our AOP API will provide the software instrumentation component for a software visualization project by the JPL MSL Flight Software team.

Jul. 2009: Lowered unavoidable base overhead of SMCO implementation to 1-4%

Through extensive experimentation, we have succeeded in reducing the unavoidable base overhead associated with SMCO from 18-20% to a very acceptable 1-4%