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4. Evaluation

The pgmake system has been successfully implemented in SunOS 4.1.3 and used on a network of over thirty workstations. The code additions are highly portable and should introduce no porting problems to other operating systems that support both PVM and GNU make. Goals.

Pgmake's main objective is to reduce the overall time to maintain groups of targets with make. The speed improvements must justify the extra complexity in setup and execution overhead. The following exit criteria were deemed necessary for pgmake's acceptance as a viable tool:

The following conditions are ideal for pgmake to maximize its effectiveness: Results.

Measurements were performed with the goal of evaluating how well our design met these criteria. The overhead in deciding when to run jobs remotely is negligible. This consists of testing a boolean for each job, and a one time check to see if the local pvmd is running. By far, the most significant overhead of pgmake is shipping all the context information that is required to run a job remotely.

In the test cases (building pgmake with itself), using an arbitrarily large sized PVM, we observed a total of 10 seconds overhead in packing, shipping, and unpacking the context information. Note that 10 seconds is the aggregate overhead for shipping over 50 jobs to remote hosts: roughly one half second per job. In Figure 2 we see that the difference between running the entire compilation in a single thread remotely (labeled ``1'') and locally (labeled ``LOCAL'') is roughly 10 seconds. (The labels to the right and left of the plots indicate the size of the PVM that was used.)

Figure 2: Times for a local and remote make vs. number of slots and size of PVM

This overhead is offset by adding just one more machine to the PVM. A PVM of size two or greater reduces the total compilation time by nearly one half. Increasing the size of the PVM to 15 nodes improves performance by 20% more. From these results, it is almost always worth parallelizing the compilation processes, even using relatively modest hardware.

4.1 Anomalies

The results obtained above and plotted in Figure 2 illustrate two interesting phenomena with non-obvious explanations: ``See-Saw'' performance.

Both figures show an unexplained improvement in performance when the number of concurrently running jobs is even, followed by a deterioration in performance for an odd number of parallel jobs. This may be a result of particular scheduling algorithms in the SunOS 4.1.3 operating system. This behavior needs to be investigated further. Random behavior for PVM of size one.

When we ran our tests using a -j value of 1, the results appeared to be random (left side of Figure 2.) There appears to be no pattern which would explain a PVM of size 6-7 machines taking twice as much to execute a single job as opposed to a PVM with one or two hosts.

We suspect that a combination of machine loads, PVM's scheduling and load-balancing algorithms, and network instabilities are at work here -- but we would not be certain before we exercise more controlled experiments. Another theory which may explain these strange anomalies relates to the effects of executing commands on a machine with a cold cache. When processing a source file, many resources need to be dragged in to perform a compilation. In an test cases with one node, the first execution of a make command with a cold cache took over 60% longer than when the cache was warm. As the number of nodes in the virtual machine increases, and the job size remains one, the likelihood of spawning a task on a machine with a cold cache becomes greater. This may explain the increasing compilation times. More experiments and measurements are needed to better understand this phenomenon.

4.2 Potential Problems NFS Bottleneck

Given n remote processes, each of the processes still reads and writes to the same disk partition over NFS. This becomes a problem since most implementations of NFS are known to be lackluster in performance, and perform synchronous write commands. Gateway and Router Concerns

Also related to NFS, the performance of the virtual machine will significantly deteriorate as packets pass through more routers and gateways. It would be desirable to be able to predict what types of degradation to expect as the conditions get worse.

4.3 Experiences GNU Make

There is a general problem concerning the handling of standard input when performing parallel compilation. With multiple children and one source of standard input, only one process is allowed to have access to standard input, while the others are given a bogus, broken pipe. Therefore, GNU make advises users of the -j option not to depend on using standard input at all. In pgmake, we make no attempt whatsoever to give standard input to any process. Since no process should expect standard input to be valid, we do not give a valid standard input to any spawned process. PVM

PVM has performed respectably, but can give some unexpected results. For example, it is possible to execute the pvm_spawn() call on a machine which is legally enrolled in PVM, but simply does not have enough resources to perform the task. In this case, it returns a negative return code but gives no indication which node failed.

Because of this problem, we introduced a retry loop which attempts to respawn a failed job a specified number of times before giving up. After introducing this loop, we found our setup to be much more tolerant of bad nodes in the system.

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Erez Zadok