Round-Trip Privacy with NFSv4
Avishay Traeger, Kumar Thangavelu, and Erez Zadok
Stony Brook University
With the advent of NFS version 4, NFS security is more important than
ever. This is because a main goal of the NFSv4 protocol is
suitability for use on the Internet, whereas previous versions were
used mainly on private networks. To address these security concerns,
the NFSv4 protocol utilizes the RPCSEC_GSS protocol and allows
clients and servers to negotiate security at mount-time. However,
this provides privacy only while data is traveling over the wire.
We believe that file servers accessible over the Internet should
contain only encrypted data. We present a round-trip privacy scheme
for NFSv4, where clients encrypt file data for write requests, and
decrypt the data for read requests. The data stored by the server on
behalf of the clients is encrypted. This helps ensure privacy if the
server or storage is stolen or compromised. As the NFSv4 protocol was
designed with extensibility, it is the ideal place to add round-trip
privacy. In addition to providing a higher level of security than
only over-the-wire encryption, our technique is more efficient, as the
server is relieved from performing encryption and decryption.
We developed a prototype of our round-trip privacy scheme. In our
performance evaluation, we saw throughput increases of up to 24%, as
well as good scalability.
1 Introduction
The first two stated goals of NFS version 4 are "improved access and
good performance on the Internet" and "strong security with
negotiation built into the protocol" [19]. Whereas
previous versions of NFS were designed for private networks, NFSv4 was
designed to be used over the Internet. NFS systems will clearly be
harder to secure in this environment, as reflected by the NFSv4 goal
of having strong built-in security.
Figure 1: A comparison of the current
RPCSEC_GSS privacy service and our round-trip privacy (rt-privacy)
service. The arrows depict data transfers, where the white portions
represent clear-text file data and the black portions represent
The NFSv4 protocol provides this strong security by utilizing the
RPCSEC_GSS protocol [6]. RPCSEC_GSS provides
authentication, integrity, and privacy. Although RPCSEC_GSS secures
communications between clients and servers, file data resides as
clear-text in the server's caches and storage. This leaves data
vulnerable, especially for NFSv4 servers that are open to connections
from the Internet. Additionally, if servers see only cipher-text,
companies could offer storage outsourcing services using NFSv4. These
services are attractive as they reduce data management costs for
The standard RPCSEC_GSS privacy service provides
authentication, integrity, and privacy on the wire.
We developed our round-trip privacy scheme as a new RPCSEC_GSS
service called rt-privacy. With rt-privacy, clients
encrypt file data on write operations, and decrypt it on
read operations. Other parts of the RPC are encrypted over
the wire as they are in the privacy service. Additionally
the rt-privacy service provides the same authentication and
integrity on the wire as privacy. In our scheme, clear-text
file data resides only on authenticated clients. This is depicted in
Figure 1.
NFSv4 was designed with extensibility in mind. This allowed us to
integrate stronger privacy without modifying the protocol. Because
NFSv4 utilizes RPCSEC_GSS, which is also an extensible protocol, we
were able to cleanly introduce a new privacy service that is
negotiated at mount-time.
Additionally, the extensibility of RPCSEC_GSS meant that we could
leverage a secure and established protocol, rather than create a new
A trade-off often exists between security and performance. The
rt-privacy service not only provides better privacy, but also
relieves the server from performing encryption and decryption on file
data. This is an important savings, as the server is generally the
bottleneck in client-server environments. Our performance evaluation
shows that although rt-privacy has degraded throughput when
performing sequential reads with read-ahead, all other workloads
tested show an improvement-as much as 24%. Additionally, we
benchmarked rt-privacy with as many as 96 processes, and saw
that it scales well.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We discuss related
work in Section 4. We describe the design and
implementation of our new privacy service in Section 2,
and evaluate its performance in Section 3. We conclude
in Section 5.
2 Design and Implementation
We designed our round-trip privacy scheme with two main goals in mind:
- Privacy: only authenticated clients should have access
to clear-text data.
- Efficiency: the server should be freed from encrypting
and decrypting data.
We present our threat model in Section 2.1. We
discuss the design of our round-trip privacy service in
Section 2.2. We describe the methods that we used for
encrypting and decrypting file data in Section 2.3,
and our key-management scheme in Section 2.4.
2.1 Threat Model
We assume that only authenticated clients are trusted, and that the
network, unauthenticated clients, as well as the NFSv4 server are
untrusted. Our goal is to ensure privacy while data is being
transmitted over the network and while it resides on the server (both
in memory and on persistent storage). We do not currently prevent
attackers from maliciously modifying or deleting data. However, we
plan to provide round-trip integrity in the future to detect file
2.2 Round-Trip Privacy
There are several possible ways to design round-trip privacy for
NFSv4. We discuss three alternatives before describing ours to
illustrate the benefits of our choice. One possibility is to encrypt
all wire traffic (using RPCSEC_GSS or SSH, for example) and
separately encrypt data being written to the server's disks. This
scheme has three drawbacks. First, data is present unencrypted in the
server's memory, allowing an attacker to potentially view it. Second,
keys are managed on the server, which is untrusted. Third, the same
data is encrypted and decrypted multiple times in a single operation.
In a write request, for example, the client encrypts the
data, the server decrypts the data, and then re-encrypts it before
saving it to disk. Similar behavior is seen in read
requests. This is especially bad since the server, which is usually
the performance bottleneck in a network file system, is doing
unnecessary work.
Another possibility would be to encrypt the file data at the client,
above the NFS layer, perhaps by using a stackable file system such as
NCryptfs [21] or eCryptfs [9].
Stackable file systems are a useful technique for adding functionality
to existing file systems [23]. Stackable file systems
overlay another lower file system (the NFSv4 client in this
case), and intercept file system events and data bound from user
processes to the lower file system. In the case of encryption
stackable file systems, file data is encrypted on write
operations before passing it to the lower file system, and is
decrypted on read operations after it is received from the
lower file system.
However, this scheme does not provide authentication and integrity,
and provides privacy only for file data (not for NFS commands and
arguments). If one were to use RPCSEC_GSS to provide this, then
clients would be encrypting file data twice for write
requests, and servers would be decrypting once. Servers encrypt file
data once, and clients decrypt twice for read requests. This
puts less load on the server than the previous scheme, but unnecessary
work is still being performed.
One additional method for implementing round-trip privacy would be to
add a new RPCSEC_GSS privacy service type that would not encrypt or
decrypt file data. A user could then mount an encryption stackable
file system on top of the NFS client to handle the encryption and
decryption of file data. The benefit of using this design is that it
relies on stackable file systems that are already in use, and does not
perform unnecessary encryption or decryption operations. One downside
is that it would be difficult to coordinate the privacy settings
between the stackable file system and the RPC layer. The system would
need to be carefully configured to ensure that anything not being
encrypted at the RPC layer was being encrypted by the stackable file
system. Additionally, it would be difficult to implement a feature
where the user could selectively encrypt files on storage because
information about which files are encrypted would need to traverse
several programming layers. Another concern with this design is that
performance may suffer because of adding an additional file system
layer, and is exacerbated by the fact that the stackable file system
performs its own caching. Since both the stackable file system and
the NFS client will have their own caches, the cache size is
effectively halved, which can impact performance.
We chose to implement our round-trip privacy scheme by adding a new
service type to RPCSEC_GSS. The NFSv4 protocol utilizes the
RPCSEC_GSS protocol [6] to provide authentication,
integrity, and privacy. RPCSEC_GSS uses the GSS-API (Generic
Security Service API), and consists of security context creation, RPC
data exchange, and security context destruction. During security
context creation, a client may specify the security mechanism, the
Quality of Protection (cryptographic algorithm to be used), and the
type of service. The current security mechanisms implemented by Linux
are Kerberos and SPKM-3. The type of service is one of
privacy, integrity, or none. All types of
service perform authentication, and privacy includes
integrity as well. Once a context is set up successfully, the RPC
data exchange phase may begin. When the client has finished the data
exchange, it informs the server that it no longer requires the
security context, and the context is then destroyed.
We have added a new service type called rt-privacy
(round-trip privacy) to the existing RPCSEC_GSS service types. For
operations other than read and write,
rt-privacy is identical to privacy, providing
authentication, integrity, and privacy over the wire. For
write operations, the file data is encrypted using strong
encryption since it will be stored persistently, whereas the remainder
of the RPC (such as NFS commands and arguments) is encrypted as in
privacy. The file data encryption is discussed further in
Section 2.3. The server decrypts everything but the
file data; this allows the server to access the meta-data that it
needs to process the RPC, but leaves the data to be written to storage
encrypted. For read operations, the server does not encrypt
the file data, but does encrypt the remainder of the RPC. Using the
rt-privacy service, the server performs no file data
encryption or decryption, reducing its load, while providing
round-trip privacy.
In addition to avoiding unnecessary encryption and decryption, we
chose to implement our scheme as an RPCSEC_GSS service because: (1)
it allows us to encrypt all NFS-related traffic (this cannot be done
at the file system level, for example), (2) it allows us to easily
distinguish file data from the rest of an RPC so that it can be
handled separately (this is more difficult at the transport level, for
example), (3) it allows us to implement round-trip privacy by adding a
service to RPCSEC_GSS, which is well-known and tested security
protocol, and (4) the extensibility of RPCSEC_GSS allowed us to
cleanly add this new service and have it be negotiated at mount time.
We have implemented our RPCSEC_GSS service type only for the Kerberos
security mechanism, but adding it to the SPKM-3 mechanism would not be
difficult. In addition to our changes to RPCSEC_GSS, we modified the
NFSv4 implementation to support our key management (see
Section 2.4). Because NFSv2 and NFSv3 can also use
RPCSEC_GSS, porting the key management code would allow them to use
rt-privacy as well. In total, we added 1,840 lines of
code, and deleted 21 lines. The total development time was two
part-time graduate student working for three months.
2.3 File Data Encryption
By default, we encrypt file data with AES using a 128-bit key, which
is the default for other current file data encryption
systems [9] (privacy currently uses DES-64).
This should be sufficiently strong for encrypting most persistent
data. If stronger privacy guarantees are needed however, it is
trivial to use another supported encryption algorithm or to change the
key size because we utilize the Linux kernel's flexible CryptoAPI.
The Linux implementation of NFSv4 performs write operations at offsets
that are not necessarily block-aligned nor multiples of the block
size, which complicates the use of a block cipher. One possible
solution to this issue is to modify NFS's write behavior to write
whole, aligned blocks. However, writing a partial block when the
remainder of the block is not cached would hurt performance because
the client would have to read a full page from the server, decrypt it,
complete the block using the new data, and then encrypt and write back
the full block. Instead, we use counter-mode (CTR-mode)
encryption [5]. This turns the block
cipher into a stream cipher, which allows for variable-sized writes
and random access during decryption. CTR mode obviates the need to be
concerned with cipher block sizes and padding. We use the encryption
block number for the counter. It has been proven that CTR-mode
encryption is as secure as CBC-mode encryption [13].
2.4 Key Management
We have implemented a simple key-management system that can be cleanly
extended to provide more advanced functionality, such as per-user and
per-group keys. After mounting the NFSv4 file system, the
administrator enters a password on the client using the ioctl
system call. The main encryption key is generated from the password
using the PKCS #5 specification [18]. Neither the
password nor the main encryption key are persistently stored. Keys
are randomly generated for each file, which are encrypted and
decrypted using the main encryption key. Per-file keys are stored in
the file's extended attribute on the server. This requires that the
exported file system support extended attributes, but most popular
Linux file systems support this feature. Per-file keys and are cached
in the file's in-memory inode (a per-file data structure) on the
client. Caching the key allows us to reduce the number of key
exchanges significantly. Although this key-management system is
currently not flexible enough for real-world use, it is sufficient for
our prototype, and can easily be extended to provide added
A feature that was introduced in NFSv4 is the compound
procedure, which allows clients to send several operations in one
"compound," reducing the number of RPCs that are transmitted. We
utilize compounds to store and retrieve the per-file keys. The key is
stored on the first write operation to a file, and is
retrieved on read and write operations when the key
is not in the client's cache.
The NFSv4 protocol supports named attributes, which are
similar to extended attributes. This allows systems to use attributes
that are not explicitly supported by the protocol without modifying
it. We would have utilized this extensibility feature to transmit the
per-file keys, but it is not yet available in the Linux NFSv4
implementation. To overcome this problem, we extended the NFSv4
protocol to add a new recommended attribute; these attributes
are hard-coded, unlike the named attributes. This was the
only change made to the NFSv4 protocol, and is temporary.
3 Evaluation
The main questions that we wanted to answer when evaluating the
performance of our round-trip privacy scheme were:
- With rt-privacy, the server is relieved from performing
encryption and decryption, but the file data encryption performed on
the client is more costly. How will this affect workloads where the
server is not heavily loaded?
- How well does rt-privacy scale?
We evaluated our round-trip privacy service using up to seven
identical machines; one server and up to six clients.
Each was a Dell 1800 with a 2.8GHz Intel Xeon processor, 2MB L2
cache, and 1GB of RAM. The machines were equipped with 250GB Maxtor
7L250S0 SCSI disks. Each machine used one disk as its system disk,
and the server used an additional disk for the benchmark data. All
machines were connected with gigabit Ethernet by a dedicated HP
ProCurve 3400cl switch. The machines ran Fedora Core 6 updated as of
May 10, 2007, kernel version 2.6.22-rc3.
All local file systems used ext3 with extended attributes enabled. A
list of installed package versions, the kernel configuration, and the
micro-benchmark source code are available at
We used the Autopilot v.2.0 [20] benchmarking
suite to automate the benchmarking procedure. We configured Autopilot
to run all tests at least ten times, and compute 95% confidence
intervals for the mean elapsed, system, and user times using the
Student-t distribution. In each case, the half-width of the
interval was less than 5% of the mean. We report the mean of each
set of runs. Throughput is calculated as the amount of data
transferred, divided by the longest elapsed time of all client
As we had only six client machines available to us, configurations
involving more than 6 processes used more than one process per machine
(evenly distributed among the clients).
To minimize the influence of consecutive runs on each other, all file
systems, including the exported file system, were re-mounted between
runs. In addition, the exported file system was recreated. The page,
inode, and dentry caches were cleaned between runs on all machines
using the Linux kernel's drop_caches mechanism.
3.1 Write Throughput
To measure write throughput, we used sequential and random write
workloads generated by a workload generator that we created. Each
process created a 1GB file on the server by writing 1,024 1MB chunks.
Each file was created in its own directory, and sync was
called at the conclusion of the benchmark.
Figure 2: Results for the sequential and random write workloads
running on one client machine with a varying number of processes.
Note: the x-axis is logarithmic.
The results for one client machine are summarized in
Figure 2. As we can see,
rt-privacy consistently performs better than
privacy. To better explain the performance improvement, we
profiled the client's encryption function and the server's decryption
function using OSprof [12]. The profiles showed that
for the one-process sequential workload, the client's encryption
function for rt-privacy is 1.3 times slower because of the
stronger encryption. However, while encryption on the client is
marginally slower with rt-privacy, decryption on the server
is 7.1 times faster because file data does not need to be processed.
Combined, the total encryption and decryption time for a write request
and reply is 1.9 times faster with rt-privacy.
For sequential writes, the throughput for rt-privacy is
approximately 32.0 MB/sec, and the throughput for privacy is
approximately 24.4 MB/sec (approximately a 24% improvement). The
results do not improve with added processes because of coarse-grained
locking in the client code. This was confirmed with OSprof. If we
run the experiment with two client machines, with one process on each
machine, rather than one client machine with two processes, the
throughput for rt-privacy increases to 40.8 MB/sec and the
throughput for privacy increases to 31.6 MB/sec. This is
because we remove the lock contention from the client by running the
processes on two separate machines.
Random write behavior differs from sequential write in two main ways.
First, the NFS client cannot coalesce as many sequential write
requests when requests are to random locations in the file. However,
the NFSv4 client used the default write size of 128KB, and the
application was writing 1MB chunks. To the NFSv4 client, each chunk
was seen as eight sequential writes, so coalescing requests did not
differ between the workloads. The second way in which the behaviors
differ is longer disk seeks on the server for random writes. For both
privacy and rt-privacy, the random write results
with one process are statistically indistinguishable from the
corresponding sequential write results. However, when the number of
processes is increased, the random write performance decreases. This
is because each process writes 1GB of data, and the server machine has
1GB of RAM. As more data is written on the server, and is written
more quickly due to the added number of clients, the server must flush
file data to disk more often. Additionally, if the number of dirty
pages passes a specified threshold, these writes are performed
synchronously. This can be seen in the sharp drop in throughput for
sixteen processes in Figure 2, .
Figure 3: Results for the sequential and random write workloads
running on six client machines with a varying number of processes on
each. Note: the x-axis is logarithmic.
To see how well the rt-privacy service scales, we ran the
write workloads using six client machines, with multiple processes on
each (up to 96 processes in total). The results are shown in
Figure 3. As we can see, the
rt-privacy service has a similar degradation in throughput as
privacy, but maintains a higher throughput.
The decrease in throughput as more processes are added is due to the
server being more loaded, and requests therefore take longer to
process on average.
3.2 Read Throughput
To measure read throughput, we ran both sequential and random read
using the same configuration as the write benchmarks. Before starting
the benchmarks, we created a 1GB file on the server in its own
directory for each client process. We cleaned the caches before each
As with the write micro-benchmark, we used OSprof to examine the
encryption and decryption overheads when running a sequential workload
with one process. In this case we were interested in the encryption
method on the server and the decryption method on the client.
We found that for rt-privacy, the client-side decryption
function was 1.2 times slower than privacy, but its
server-side encryption function was 7.4 times faster because it does
not encrypt file data. Combined, the rt-privacy functions
were 1.5 times faster.
Figure 4: Results for the sequential and random read workloads
running on one client machine with a varying number of processes.
Note: the x-axis is logarithmic.
Figure 4 shows the results for several
processes running the read workloads on one client machine. For
sequential reads with one process, the results are statistically
indistinguishable. As more are added, we see that rt-privacy
does not perform as well as privacy (the throughput for
rt-privacy is as much as 14.7% lower). This was surprising,
as the profiles indicate that rt-privacy should be faster.
We discovered that rt-privacy had lower throughput due to the
NFS client performing read-ahead. Although the server-side encryption
function performed better for rt-privacy, much of this was
performed off-line because of read-ahead. The client-side encryption,
however, has a greater effect on the elapsed time.
By default, the Linux NFSv4 client is configured to perform at most
fifteen read-ahead RPCs. In the source code, the authors state that
users working over a slow network may want to reduce the amount of
read-ahead for improved interactive response. This may be a common
scenario with NFSv4 since it was designed to be used over the
Internet. By reducing the maximum number of read-ahead RPCs to 1, we
saw that the throughput for rt-privacy was between 4.2% and
23.0% higher than privacy. It should be noted that even in
situations where throughput suffered, the server performed
significantly less work when using rt-privacy, alleviating
load from the server machine that is generally the bottleneck. When
running the random read workload, the throughput for
rt-privacy is as much as 10.4% higher than that of
privacy. This is because the Linux kernel reduces read-ahead
when it sees that read-ahead is not effective.
Figure 5: Results for the sequential and random read workloads
running on six client machines with a varying number of processes on
each. Note: the x-axis is logarithmic.
We ran the read workloads using six client machines to observe how
well rt-privacy scales. As we can see from
Figure 5, rt-privacy and
privacy behave almost identically, showing that scalability
is not affected by the stronger security.
4 Related Work
In this section we describe other cryptographic systems for remote
storage. We first discuss systems that are based on NFS or stackable
file systems. We then focus on key management, and approaches used to
reduce the load on file servers.
NFS-based systems
Several file systems have utilized NFS to add privacy to a system.
Matt Blaze's CFS [2] is a cryptographic file system that
is implemented as a user-level NFS server. An encrypted directory is
associated with an encryption key and is explicitly attached by the
user by specifying the key. Once attached, CFS creates a directory in
the mount point that acts as an unencrypted window to the user's data.
A later paper [3] explores key escrow and the use of
smart cards to store user keys. Due to its user-space implementation,
context switches and data copies hinder CFS's performance.
Additionally, CFS uses a single key to encrypt all files under an
attached directory, which reduces security.
TCFS [4] is a cryptographic file system that is
implemented as a modified kernel-mode NFS client. To encrypt data, a
user sets an encrypted attribute on files and directories within the
NFS mount point. Every user and group is associated with a different
encryption key which is protected using the Unix login password and
stored in a local file. A second scheme also supports Kerberos-based
key management. Group access to encrypted resources is limited to a
subset of the members of a given Unix group, while allowing for a
mechanism for reconstructing a group key when a member of a group is
no longer available. TCFS has several weaknesses that make it less
than ideal for deployment. First, the reliance on login passwords as
user keys is not sufficiently secure. Also, storing encryption keys
on disk in a key database further reduces security. Finally, TCFS is
available only on systems with Linux kernel 2.2.17 or earlier,
limiting its availability.
The Self-certifying File System (SFS) [14] is an
encrypt-on-the-wire system which uses NFS to achieve portability.
Users communicate with a local SFS client using NFS RPC calls. The
client communicates with a remote SFS server which talks to an NFS
server residing on the same machine.
SFS-RO [7] is based on SFS and supports encryption on the
server-side disk. However, its usage is limited to read-only data;
file modification is not supported.
Stackable file systems
Stackable encryption file systems are portable because they can stack
on top of any existing file system. These file systems can be layered
on an NFS client to write encrypted data to a remote disk. This would
encrypt file data, but NFS-related information would be leaked on the
wire because RPC procedure names arguments would not encrypted.
The main disadvantage of stackable file systems is the performance
penalty incurred by the additional level of indirection introduced and
the need to have additional buffer pages to hold the unencrypted data.
Cryptfs [22] is the first file system of this type,
and bases its keys on process session IDs and user IDs.
NCryptfs [21] enhanced Cryptfs to support multiple
concurrent authentication methods, multiple dynamically-loadable
ciphers, ad-hoc groups, challenge-response authentication and timeouts
for keys, active sessions and authorizations.
NCryptfs uses a single key to encrypt all the files in a mount point
which has to be set when the file system is mounted.
IBM's eCryptfs [9], another Cryptfs-derived file
system, provides advanced key management and policy features.
eCryptfs stores the encryption key as a part of the file or in an extended
and an attempt to access an encrypted file will result in a callback
to a user space utility which will then prompt the user for the
Key management techniques
In addition to the key management techniques discussed in the context
of the systems above, other network storage systems used various
techniques to manage their keys. Both AFS [10]
and NASD [8] use Kerberos to provide security, but
both encrypt data only on the wire, and not on the storage, which
decreases security and performance [17].
SNAD [16] expands NASD to provide on disk
encryption. However, the main contribution from SNAD is a PKI-based
key management system. The symmetric key used to encrypt the file is
encrypted with the public keys of the users who are allowed to access
the file. Users can then access the file by decrypting the symmetric
key using their private keys, and then decrypting the file.
Microsoft's Encrypting File System (EFS) [15]
is an extension to NTFS and utilizes Windows authentication methods as
well as Windows ACLs.
EFS stores keys on the disk in a lockbox that is encrypted using the
user's login password.
Another approach to manage keys is explored by the Secure File
System [11]. It creates an ACL for each file that
contains the access permissions on the file. The file system encrypts
the file key using a trusted group server's public key and stores it
as a part of the file metadata. The access request is then forwarded
to the group server which enforces the access permissions set in the
Reducing server load
Different approaches have been used to reduce the load on the server.
SFS-RO, like rt-privacy, avoids performing any cryptographic
operations on the server to give better performance. It stores data
in the encrypted form on untrusted servers that can be modified only
by the owner.
AFS [10], a distributed file system, caches file
data in a local disk cache.
NASD [8] proposes a distributed network of storage
drives, which relieves the server from handling data transfers.
Authorized users use capabilities attained from the server to access
network-attached disks directly.
5 Conclusions
We designed a new round-trip privacy scheme for NFSv4 which was
implemented as a new RPCSEC_GSS service called rt-privacy.
This allows for stronger privacy, which is especially important when
using NFSv4 over the Internet.
We leveraged the extensibility of the established RPCSEC_GSS protocol
to seamlessly add our security service. We also utilized the
extensibility of NFSv4 to add our key management system without
modifying the protocol. Our privacy service not only provides
increases security, but also reduces the load on the server when
compared to other privacy options. In our experiments we saw that
rt-privacy often significantly improved throughput and scaled
well. We have made the source code for rt-privacy available
Future Work
We plan to implement a more flexible key management scheme, and allow
users to specify which files should be stored in encrypted form. We
also plan to encrypt meta-data, such as file names.
In addition, we can further modify our RPCSEC_GSS service to allow
for round-trip integrity [1].
We will also look into potential performance improvements gained from
incorporating compression into rt-privacy. Data can be
compressed before being encrypted, and decompressed after being
decrypted. This can potentially improve performance in systems that
have network or disk bottlenecks, as well as saving disk space on the
6 Acknowledgments
We thank the anonymous reviewers and J. Bruce Fields for their
comments, the Linux NFSv4 developers for their prompt responses and
bug fixes, Radu Sion for his advice in the initial stages of
the work, and Justin Seyster for recommending CTR-mode encryption.
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A. Aggarwal.
Extensions to NFSv4 for checksums.
Technical Report Internet-Draft, Network Working Group, May 2006.
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M. Blaze.
A cryptographic file system for Unix.
In Proc. of the first ACM Conf. on Computer and
Communications Security, pp. 9-16, Fairfax, VA, 1993
- [3]
M. Blaze.
Key management in an encrypting file system.
In Proc. of the Summer USENIX Technical Conf., pp.
27-35, Boston, MA, June 1994.
- [4]
G. Cattaneo, L. Catuogno, A. Del Sorbo, and P. Persiano.
The design and implementation of a transparent cryptographic
filesystem for Unix.
In Proc. of the Annual USENIX Technical Conf.,
FREENIX Track, pp. 245-252, Boston, MA, June 2001.
- [5]
W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman.
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1Appears in the proceedings of the Third ACM Workshop on
Storage Security and Survivability (StorageSS 2007). This
work was partially made possible by the NSF HECURA
CCF-0621463 award and an IBM Faculty Award.
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