Ensuring Data Integrity in Storage: Techniques and
Gopalan Sivathanu, Charles P. Wright, and Erez Zadok
Stony Brook University
Data integrity is a fundamental aspect of storage security and
reliability. With the advent of network storage and new technology
trends that result in new failure modes for storage, interesting
challenges arise in ensuring data integrity. In this paper, we
discuss the causes of integrity violations in storage and present a
survey of integrity assurance techniques that exist today. We
describe several interesting applications of storage integrity
checking, apart from security, and discuss the implementation issues
associated with techniques. Based on our analysis, we discuss the
choices and trade-offs associated with each mechanism. We then
identify and formalize a new class of integrity assurance techniques
that involve logical redundancy. We describe how logical
redundancy can be used in today's systems to perform efficient and
seamless integrity assurance.
1 Introduction
Reliable access to data is a prerequisite for most computer systems
and applications. There are several factors that cause unexpected or
unauthorized modifications to stored data. Data can get corrupted due
to hardware or software malfunctions. Disk errors are common
today [26] and storage software that exists is typically
not designed to handle a large class of these errors. A minor
integrity violation, when not detected by the higher level software on
time, could cause further loss of data. For example, a bit-flip while
reading a file system inode bitmap could cause the file system to
overwrite an important file. Therefore, prompt detection of integrity
violations is vital for the reliability and safety of the stored data.
Integrity violations could also be caused by malicious intrusions.
Security advisory boards over the last few years have noticed a steep
rise in the number of intrusion attacks on systems [4].
A large class of these attacks are caused by malicious
modifications of disk data. An attacker that has gained
administrator privileges could potentially make changes to the system,
like modifying system utilities (e.g., /bin files or daemon
processes), adding back-doors or Trojans, changing file contents and
attributes, accessing unauthorized files, etc. Such file system
inconsistencies and intrusions can be detected using utilities like
Tripwire [17,18,39].
There are different notions of integrity in storage. File system
consistency is one of the common ones. Most file systems today come
with integrity checking utilities such as the Unix fsck that
perform a scan through the storage device to fix logical
inconsistencies between data and meta-data. (Tools such as
fsck are often said to be performing "sanity" checking.)
This reduces the likelihood of file corruption and wasted
disk space in the event of a system crash. Advanced methods like
journaling [12] and transactional file
systems [8] ensure file system consistency even in the
event of unexpected system faults. File system inconsistency can
cause data corruption, but generally may not cause security threats;
files might become inaccessible due to inconsistency between the
meta-data and data caused by a system crash. Apart from file-system
inconsistencies, integrity violations in file data are a major problem
that storage system designers have to solve. Even a perfectly
consistent file system can have its data corrupted, and normal
integrity checkers like fsck cannot detect these errors.
Techniques like mirroring, parity, or checksumming can be used to
detect data integrity violations at the file or block level.
Cryptographic hash functions could even detect malicious forging of
In this paper, we begin by presenting a survey of integrity assurance
techniques, classifying them under three different dimensions: the
scope of integrity assurance, the logical layer of operation, and the
mode of checking. We then discuss the various applications of
integrity checking such as security, performance enhancement, etc. We
also describe the different implementation choices of integrity
assurance mechanisms. Almost all integrity checking mechanisms that
we analyzed adopt some form of redundancy to verify integrity of data.
Techniques such as checksumming, parity etc., ignore the semantics of
the data and treat it as a raw stream of bytes. They explicitly
generate and store redundant information for the sole purpose of
integrity checking. In contrast to these physical redundancy
techniques, we identify a new class of techniques for integrity
assurance, where the redundant information is dependent on the
semantics of the data stored. Such logical redundancy
techniques often obviate the extra cost of explicitly accessing
redundant data and verifying integrity, by exploiting structural
redundancies that already exist in the data. For example, if an
application stored a B+ tree on disk, with back pointers from the
children to parents (for more efficient scanning), those back pointers
can also be used to ensure the integrity of pointers within a node.
Although some existing systems perform a minimal amount of such
logical integrity checking in the form of "sanity checks" on the
structure of data, we believe that these techniques can be generalized
into first class integrity assurance mechanisms.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes causes of integrity violations.
Section 3 describes the three most commonly used
integrity checking techniques. Section 4 presents a
more detailed classification of such techniques under three different
dimensions. Section 5 explores several
interesting applications of integrity checking. We discuss the
various implementation choices for integrity checkers in
Section 6. In Section 7 we
present the new class of integrity assurance techniques that make use
of logical redundancy. We conclude in
Section 8.
2 Causes of Integrity Violations
Integrity violations can be caused by hardware or software
malfunctions, malicious activities, or inadvertent user errors. In
most systems that do not have integrity assurance mechanisms,
unexpected modifications to data either go undetected, or are not
properly handled by the software running above, resulting in software
crash or further damage to data. In this section, we describe three
main causes of integrity violations and provide scenarios for each
2.1 Hardware and Software Errors
Data stored on a storage device or transmitted across a network in
response to a storage request, can be corrupted due to hardware or
software malfunctioning. A malfunction in hardware could also trigger
software misbehavior resulting in serious damage to stored data. For
example, a hardware bit error while reading a file system's inode
bitmap could cause the file system to overwrite important files.
Hardware errors are not uncommon in today's modern disks. Disks today
can corrupt data silently without being detected [1].
Due to the increasing complexity of disk technology these days, new
errors occur on modern disks-for example, a faulty disk controller
causing misdirected writes [40] where data gets written
to the wrong location on disk. Most storage software systems are
totally oblivious to these kind of hardware errors, as they expect the
hardware to be fail-stop in nature-where the hardware either
functions or fails explicitly.
Bugs in software could also result in unexpected modification of data.
Buggy device drivers can corrupt data that is read from the storage
device. File system bugs can overwrite existing data or make files
inaccessible. Most file systems that adopt asynchrony in writes could
end up in an inconsistent state upon an unclean system shutdown,
thereby corrupting files or making portions of data inaccessible.
The ever growing requirements for storage technology has given rise to
distributed storage where data need to be transferred through
unreliable networks. Unreliable networks can corrupt data that pass
through them. Unless the higher level protocols adopt appropriate
error checking and correcting techniques, these errors can cause
client software to malfunction.
2.2 Malicious Intrusions
Trustworthy data management in a computer system is an important
challenge that hardware and software designers face today. Although
highly critical and confidential information is being stored
electronically, and is accessed through several different interfaces,
new security vulnerabilities arise. For example, in a distributed
storage system, data can be accessed from remote locations through
untrusted network links; a network eavesdropper can gain access to
confidential data if the data is not sufficiently protected by methods
such as encryption. Damage to data integrity can often cause more
serious problems than confidentiality breaches: important information
may be modified by malicious programs or malicious users, or faulty
system components. For example, virus code could be inserted into
binary executables, potentially resulting in the loss of all data
stored on a system. Operating systems that allow access to raw disks
can inadvertently aid an attacker to bypass security checks in the
file system, and cause damage to stored data.
2.3 Inadvertent User Errors
User errors can compromise data integrity at the application level.
A user action can break application level integrity semantics. For
example, an inadvertent deletion of a database file can cause a DBMS
to malfunction, resulting in data corruption. In general, if user
actions invalidate the implicit assumptions that the applications
dealing with the data make, integrity violations can occur.
3 Common Integrity Techniques
In this section, we discuss the three most common integrity assurance
techniques that exist today in storage. All these techniques maintain
some redundant information about the data and ensure integrity by
recomputing the redundant data from the actual data and comparing it
with the stored redundant information.
3.1 Mirroring
One simple way to implement integrity verification is data replication
or mirroring. By maintaining two or more copies of the same
data in the storage device, integrity checks can be made by comparing
the copies. An integrity violation in one of the copies can be easily
detected using this method. While implementing this is easy, this
method is inefficient both in terms of storage space and time.
Mirroring can detect integrity violations caused by data corruption
due to hardware errors, but cannot help in recovering from the damage,
as a discrepancy during comparison does not provide information about
which of the copies is legitimate. Recovery is possible using
majority rules if the mirroring is 3-way or more. Mirroring can be
used to detect integrity violations which are caused due to data
corruption and generally not malicious modification of data. A
malicious user who wants to modify data can easily modify all copies
of the data, unless the location of the copies is maintained in a
confidential manner. Mirroring also cannot detect integrity
violations caused by user errors, because in most cases user
modifications are carried out in all mirrors. RAID-1 uses mirroring
to improve storage reliability, but does not perform online integrity
checks using the redundant data.
3.2 RAID Parity
Parity is used in RAID-3, RAID-4, and RAID-5 [24]
to validate the data written to the RAID array. Parity across the
array is computed using the XOR (Exclusive OR) logical operation. XOR
parity is a special kind of erasure code. The basic
principle behind erasure codes is to transform N blocks of data,
into N+M blocks such that upon loss of any M blocks of data, they
can be recovered from the remaining N blocks, irrespective of which
blocks are lost. The parity information in RAID can either be stored
on a separate, dedicated drive, or be mixed with the data across all
the drives in the array. Most RAID schemes are designed to operate on
fail-stop disks. Any single disk failure in RAID (including the
disk) can be recovered from the remaining disks by just performing an
XOR on their data. This recovery process is offline in nature.
Although the parity scheme in RAID does not perform online integrity
checks, it is used for recovering from a single disk failure in the
array. The organization of RAID-5 parity is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: RAID-5: Independent
data disks with distributed parity
3.3 Checksumming
Checksumming is a well known method for performing integrity checks.
Checksums can be computed for disk data and can be stored
persistently. Data integrity can be verified by comparing the stored
and the newly computed values on every data read. Checksums are
generated using a hash function. The use of cryptographic hash
functions has become a standard in Internet applications and
protocols. Cryptographic hash functions map strings of different
lengths to short fixed size results. These functions are generally
designed to be collision resistant, which means that finding two
strings that have the same hash result should be infeasible. In
addition to basic collision resistance, functions like
MD5 [30] and SHA1 [6] also have some
properties like randomness. HMAC [19] is a specific type
of a hashing function where the hash generated is cryptographically
protected. It works by using an underlying hash function over a
message and a key, thereby detecting unauthorized tampering of
checksum values. It is currently one of the predominant means of
ensuring that secure data is not corrupted in transit over insecure
channels (like the Internet). This can also be used in the context of
storage systems to ensure integrity during read.
4 Integrity Checking Taxonomy
There are several methods used to detect and repair data-integrity
violations. Almost all methods that exist today use some kind of
redundancy mechanisms to check for integrity. This is because
integrity checking requires either syntactic or semantic comparison of
the data with some piece of information that is related to the actual
data. Comparison of related data helps detect integrity violations,
but cannot repair them. The main reason that comparison cannot repair
violations is that when there is a mismatch between two different
kinds of data being compared, it is usually not possible to determine
which of them is legitimate. For example, if checksumming is used to
detect integrity violations in file data, a checksum mismatch can only
detect an integrity violation, but could not provide information
whether the data is corrupted or the checksum itself is invalid.
There are a few techniques for recovering from integrity violations
once they are detected. Those techniques are closely tied to the
mechanism used to perform detection, and the nature of redundancy that
is employed.
Figure 2: Taxonomy of
In this section we describe the taxonomy of integrity checking
techniques that exist today. Figure 2 represents our
classification of integrity assurance techniques. We analyze the
techniques in three different dimensions: the scope of their
assurance, the logical layer at which they are designed to operate,
and their checking modes.
4.1 Scope of Integrity Assurance
Data integrity can be guaranteed by several ways. Online integrity
checks help to detect and in some cases recover from integrity
violations. Some systems, instead of performing checks for
integrity, employ preventive methods to reduce the likelihood
of an integrity violation. In this section we classify integrity
assurance mechanisms into three main types, based on their goals:
those that perform preventive steps so as to avoid specific types of
integrity violations; those that perform integrity checks and detect
violations; and those that are capable of recovering from damage once
a violation is detected.
Some systems provide a certain level of integrity guarantee for the data
they store, so as to avoid explicit integrity checking mechanisms.
These systems come with an advantage that they do not incur additional
overheads for integrity verification. The mechanism used to
provide integrity guarantees could incur some overhead, but it is
generally smaller than separate checking mechanisms. Moreover, these
systems avoid the hassle of recovering from an integrity damage once
it is detected. In this section we discuss four existing methods
that provide different levels of integrity assurances. Read-only
storage is a straight-forward means to avoid integrity violations due
to malicious user activity or inadvertent user errors. Journaling
ensures file system consistency, encryption file systems prevent
malicious modification of file data with say, virus code, and
transactional file systems provide ACID transactions which
applications can use to ensure semantic integrity of information.
Read-only Storage
Making the storage read-only is a simple means to ensure data
integrity. The read-only limitation can be imposed at the hardware or
software level. Hardware level read-only storage is not vulnerable to
software bugs or data modification through raw disk access. However,
they are vulnerable to hardware errors like bit-flipping. File
systems that enforce read-only characteristics are still vulnerable to
hardware and software errors, and to raw disk access. However, they
can prevent integrity violations due to user errors.
SFSRO [7], Venti [27], and
Fossilization [14] are systems are read-only
to ensure data integrity.
Journaling file systems were invented partly to take advantage of the
reliability of logging. Modern examples include Ext2, NTFS, Reiserfs,
etc. A journaling file system can recover from a system crash by
examining its log, where any pending changes are stored, and replaying
any operations it finds there. This means that even after an
unexpected shutdown, it is not necessary to scan through the entire
contents of the disk looking for inconsistencies (as with
scandisk on Windows or fsck on Unix): the system
just needs to figure out whatever has been added to the journal but
not marked as done. In a journaling file system, the transaction
interface provided by logging guarantees that either all or none of
the file system updates are done. This ensures consistency between
data and meta-data even in the case of unexpected system failures.
Although journaling cannot protect data from malicious modifications
or hardware bit errors, it can ensure file system consistency without
performing any explicit integrity checks for each file.
Cryptographic File Systems
Cryptographic file systems encrypt file data (and even selected
meta-data) to ensure the confidentiality of important information.
Though confidentiality is the main goal of encryption file systems, a
certain degree of integrity assurance comes as a side effect of
encryption. Unauthorized modification of data by malicious programs
or users, such as replacing system files with Trojans, becomes nearly
impossible if the data is encrypted with an appropriate cipher mode.
Although data can be modified, it is not feasible to do it in a
predicable manner without the knowledge of the encryption key.
However, integrity violations due to hardware errors cannot be
prevented by using encryption. Thus, cryptographic file systems
provide protection of integrity for a certain class of threat models.
Several file systems such as Blaze's CFS [3],
NCryptfs [41,42], etc., support encryption.
Transactional File Systems
We are working towards building a transactional file system that
exports an ACID transaction facility to the user level. In addition
to supporting custom user-level transactions for protecting the
semantic integrity of data that applications see, our ACID file system
aims at providing intra-operation transactions (e.g., an individual
rename operation is transaction protected), such that
atomicity and consistency guarantees are provided for every file
system operation. This maintains the file system in a consistent
state and makes the file system completely recoverable to a consistent
state even in the event of unexpected system failures. We are
planning to build our file system using the logging and locking
features provided by the Berkeley Database
Manager [32] in the Linux kernel [15].
Most of the storage integrity assurance techniques that exist today
perform detection of integrity violations, but do not help in
recovering from the violation. In this section, we discuss those
The checksumming techniques discussed in Section 3
help in detecting integrity violations. They generally cannot help
recovery for two reasons. First, a mismatch between the stored value
and the computed value of the checksums just means that one of them was
modified, but it does not provide information about which of them is
legitimate. Stored checksums are also likely to be modified or
corrupted. Second, checksums are generally computed using a one-way
hash function and the data cannot be reconstructed given a checksum
The mirroring technique described in Section 3 can
detect a violation by comparing the copies of data, but suffers from
the same problem as checksumming for correcting the data.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a powerful and easily implemented
technique to obtain data reliability in network transmissions. This
can be employed by network storage systems to detect integrity
violations in data transmissions across nodes. The CRC technique is
used to protect blocks of data called frames. Using this
technique, the transmitter appends an extra N-bit sequence to every
frame, called a Frame Check Sequence (FCS). The FCS holds redundant
information about the frame that helps the transmitter detect errors
in the frame. The CRC is one of the most commonly used techniques for
error detection in data communications.
Parity is a form of error detection that uses a single bit to
represent the odd or even quantities of `1's and `0's in the data.
Parity usually consists of one parity bit for each eight bits of data,
which can be verified by the receiving end to detect transmission
errors. Network file systems benefit from parity error detection, as
they use the lower level network layers, which implement parity
4.1.3 Correction
When an integrity violation is detected by some means, some methods
can be used to recover data from the damage. We discuss two in this
Majority Vote
The majority vote strategy helps to resolve the problem of determining
whether the actual data or the redundant information stored is
unmodified (legitimate), in the event of a mismatch between both of
them. The majority vote technique can be employed with detection
techniques like mirroring. When there are N copies of the data
(N > 2), upon an integrity violation, the data contained in the
majority of the copies can be believed to be legitimate, to some level
of certainty. The other copies can then be recovered from the content
in the majority of the copies.
RAID Parity
RAID parity (e.g., RAID 5) uses an erasure code to generate parity
information at the block level or bit level. The individual disks in
RAID should be fail-stop in nature, which means that in the event of a
failure of some means, the disks should stop working thereby
explicitly notifying the RAID controller of a problem. A failure in
the disk can mean several things including a violation in the
integrity of their data. Once a failure (integrity violation) is
detected by the fail-stop nature of the hardware, the parity
information stored can be used to reconstruct the data in the lost
disk. The procedure to reconstruct the data in a RAID array is
discussed in Section 3.
4.1.4 Detection and Correction
Error detection and correction algorithms are used widely in network
transport protocols. These algorithms combine the functionalities of
detection of integrity violations and even correcting them to a
certain level. Some of these algorithms are now being used in storage
devices also, for detecting and correcting bit errors. In this
section we discuss three algorithms employed in local and
network storage systems today.
Error Correction Codes (ECCs) [13] are an advanced form of
parity detection often used in servers and critical data applications.
ECC modules use multiple parity bits per byte (usually 3) to detect
double-bit errors. They are also capable of correcting single-bit
errors without raising an error message. Some systems that support
ECC can use a regular parity module by using the parity bits to make
up the ECC code. Several storage disks today employ error correcting
codes to detect and correct bit errors at the hardware level.
Usually, to correct an N-bit sequence, at least lg(N) bits of
parity information are required for performing the correction part.
Hamming codes are one popular class of ECCs [25].
Forward Error Correction (FEC) [2] is a popular error
detection and correction scheme employed in digital communications
like cellular telephony and other voice and video communications. In
FEC, the correction is performed at the receiver end using the check
bits sent by the transmitter. FEC uses the Reed-Solomon
algorithm [28] to perform correction. FEC is generally not
used in storage hardware, but network file systems that use lower
level network protocols benefit from it.
RAID Level 2
RAID-2 [24] uses memory-style error correcting codes
to detect and recover from failures. In an instance of RAID-2, four
data disks require three redundant disks, one less than mirroring.
Since the number of redundant disks is proportional to the log() of
the total number of disks in the system, storage efficiency increases
as the number of data disks increases. The advantage of RAID-2 is
that it can perform detection of failures even if the disks are not
fail-stop in nature. If a single component fails, several of the
parity components will have inconsistent values, and the failed
component is the one held in common by each incorrect subset. The
lost information is recovered by reading the other components in a
subset, including the parity component, and setting the missing bit to
0 or 1 to get the proper parity value for that subset. Thus multiple
redundant disks are required to identify the failed disk, but only one
is needed to recover the lost information.
4.2 Logical Layers
Integrity assurance techniques can operate at various system levels,
depending on the nature of the system and the requirements. Designing
the integrity assurance technique at each of these system levels have
distinct security, performance, and reliability implications. In this
section we classify integrity assurance techniques into five
different levels: hardware, device driver, network, file system, and
user levels.
4.2.1 Hardware Level
The lowest physical level where an integrity assurance mechanism can
operate is the hardware level. Mechanisms operating at the hardware
level have two key advantages. First, they usually perform better
than software level mechanisms, because simple integrity checkers
implemented using custom hardware run faster. Second, hardware-level
integrity checkers do not consume CPU cycles, thereby reducing the CPU
load on the main host processor. There are two disadvantages of
operating at the hardware level. First, the amount of information
available to ensure integrity is usually more limited at the hardware
level than at the upper levels such as the device driver or the core
OS levels. Therefore, semantic data integrity cannot be ensured at
the hardware level. For example, an on-disk error correcting
mechanism can only ensure integrity at a block level and cannot
guarantee file system consistency, as it generally has no information
about which blocks are data blocks and meta-data blocks. An exception
to this is Semantically-Smart Disk Systems
(SDS) [34] which decipher file-system-level
information at the firmware level. Second, integrity checking at the
hardware level can capture only a small subset of the integrity
violations, as the checked data should pass through several upper
levels before it finally reaches the application, and hence there is
enough room for subsequent data corruptions at those levels.
Therefore, hardware-level error checks are generally rudimentary in
nature, and they have to be augmented with suitable software level
mechanisms so as to ensure significant integrity assurance. In this
section we discuss three existing systems that employ hardware level
integrity assurance mechanisms.
On-Disk Integrity Checks
Data read from a disk is susceptible to numerous bursts of errors
caused by media defects, thermal asperity and error propagation in
electronics. Thermal asperity is a read signal spike caused by sensor
temperature rise due to contact with disk asperity or contaminant
particles. Error bursts can be many bytes in length. The basis of
all error detection and correction in storage disks is the inclusion
of redundant information and special hardware or software to use it.
Each sector of data on the hard disk contains 512 bytes or 4,096 bits
of user data. In addition to these bits, an additional number of bits
are added to each sector for ECC use (sometimes also called
error correcting circuits when implemented in hardware). These
bits do not contain data, but contain information about the data that
can be used to correct many problems encountered trying to access the
real data bits. There are several different types of error correcting
codes that have been invented over the years, but the type commonly
used on magnetic disks is the Reed-Solomon algorithm, named for
researchers Irving Reed and Gus Solomon. Reed-Solomon codes are
widely used for error detection and correction in various computing
and communications media, including optical storage, high-speed
modems, and data transmission channels. They have been chosen because
they are faster to decode than most other similar codes, can detect
(and correct) large numbers of missing bits of data, and require the
least number of extra ECC bits for a given number of data bits.
On-disk integrity checks suffer from the general problem of hardware
level integrity checkers: they do not have much information to perform
semantic integrity checks, and they capture only a subset of integrity
Semantically-Smart Disk Systems
Semantically Smart Disk Systems attempt to provide file-system-like
functionality without modifying the file system. Knowledge of a
specific file system is embedded into the storage device, and the
device provides additional functionality that would traditionally be
implemented in the file system. Such systems are relatively easy to
deploy, because they do not require modifications to existing file
system code. As these systems decipher information from the file
system running on top, they can perform file system integrity checks
at the hardware level, thereby combining the performance advantages of
hardware level integrity checkers, with as much information needed for
performing semantic integrity assurance.
Hardware RAID
The hardware RAID parity discussed in Sections 3
and 4.1 are implemented in the RAID controller hardware.
4.2.2 Device Driver Level
In this section we discuss two systems that employ integrity assurance
techniques at the device driver level.
Network Attached Secure Disks (NASDs) [10] is a storage
architecture for enabling cost effective throughput scaling. The
NASD interface is an object-store interface, based loosely on the
inode interface for Unix file systems. Since network communication is
required for storage requests such as read and write, NASDs perform
integrity checks for each request sent through the network. NASDs'
security is based on cryptographic capabilities. Clients obtain
capabilities from a file manager using a secure and private protocol
external to NASD. A capability consists of a public portion and a
private key. The private key portion is a cryptographic key generated
by the file manager using a keyed message digest (MAC). The network
attached drive can calculate the private key and compare it with the
client-supplied message digest. If there is a mismatch, NASD will
reject the request, and the client must return to the file manager to
retry. NASDs do not perform integrity checks on data, as software
implementations of cryptographic algorithms operating at disk rates
are not available with the computational resources expected on a disk.
Miller's scheme for securing network-attached disks uses encryption to
prevent undetectable forging of data [21].
Software RAID
Software RAID is a device driver level implementation of the different
RAID levels discussed in Sections 3
and 4.1. Here the integrity assurance and redundancy
techniques are performed by the software RAID device driver, instead
of the RAID controller hardware. The advantage with software RAID is
that no hardware infrastructure is required for setting up the RAID
levels between any collections of disks or even partitions.
Generally, software RAID does not perform as well as hardware RAID.
Secondly, atomicity guarantees for data update and parity update are
generally weaker in software RAID than in hardware RAID.
4.2.3 File System Level
The file system is one of the most commonly used level for
implementing data integrity assurance mechanisms. This is because the
file system level is the highest level in the kernel that deals with
data management, and has the bulk of information about the
organization of data on the disk, so as to perform semantic integrity
checks on the data. Moreover, since file systems run inside the
kernel, the extent of security that they provide is generally
higher than user-level integrity checkers.
On-Disk File Systems
Almost all on-disk file systems perform offline consistency checking
using user-level programs like fsck. Most of these
consistency checking programs run at startup after an unclean shutdown
of the operating system, or they are explicitly initiated by the
administrator. For this reason, they cannot capture dynamic transient
bit errors in the hardware that could compromise file system
consistency at run time. Journaling file systems like Ext3, IBM's
and ReiserFS use transactional semantics for avoid file system
inconsistencies. Solaris's ZFS [37] avoids data corruption
by keeping the data on the disk self-consistent at all times. It
manages data using transaction groups that employ copy-on-write
technology to write data to a new block on disk before changing the
pointers to the data and committing the write. Because the file
system is always consistent, time-consuming recovery procedures such
as fsck are not required if the system is shutdown in an
unclean manner. ZFS is designed to provide end-to-end 64-bit
checksumming for all data, helping to reduce the risk of data
corruption and loss. ZFS constantly checks data to ensure that it is
correct, and if it detects an error in a mirrored pool, the technology
can automatically repair the corrupt data.
The Protected File System (PFS) [35] is an
architecture for unifying meta-data protection of journaling file
systems with the data integrity protection of collision resistant
cryptographic hashes. PFS computes hashes from file system blocks and
uses these hashes to later verify the correctness of their contents.
The hashes are computed by an asynchronous thread called
hashd and are stored in the file system journal log for easy
reading. Using write ordering based on journaling semantics for the
data and the hashes, PFS ensures the integrity of every block of data
from the disk.
Stackable File Systems
Our implementation of checksummed NCryptfs [33]
and I3FS [16] perform integrity checking at the
Virtual File System (VFS) level. Stackable file systems are a way to
add new functionality to existing file systems. Stackable file
systems operate transparently between the VFS and lower file systems,
and require no modifications of lower-level file systems.
Distributed File Systems
Most of the distributed file systems perform integrity checks on their
data, because the data could get transmitted back and forth through
untrusted networks in a distributed environment. Distributed file
systems that exist today adopt a wide range of mechanisms to ensure
integrity. The Google File System [9] is a scalable
distributed file system that stores data in 64MB chunks. Each
chunkserver uses checksumming to detect corruption of the
stored data. Every chunk is broken up into 64KB blocks and a 32-bit
checksum value is computed for each of them. For reads, the
chunkserver verifies the checksum of the data blocks before returning
any data to the requester. Therefore, chunkservers do not propagate
corruptions to other machines. The checksum read and update
procedures are highly optimized for better performance in the Google
File System.
SFSRO [7] is a read-only distributed file system that
allows a large number of clients to access public, read-only data in a
secure manner. In a secure area, a publisher creates a digitally
signed database out of a file system's contents, and then replicates
the data on untrusted content-distribution servers, allowing for high
availability. SFSRO avoids performing any cryptographic operations on
the servers and keeps the overhead of cryptography low on the clients.
Blocks and inodes are named by handles, which are
collision-resistant cryptographic hashes of their contents. Using the
handle of the root inode of a file system, clients can verify the
contents of any block by recursively checking hashes. Storing the
hashes in naming handles is an efficient idea adopted by SFSRO, which
not just improves performance, but also simplifies integrity checking
4.2.4 Application Level
There are several application level utilities that run at the user
level, performing file system integrity checks. We discuss four
commonly used utilities in this section.
Tripwire [17,18] is a popular integrity
checking tool designed for Unix, to aid system
administrators to monitor their file systems for unauthorized
modifications. Tripwire reads the security policy for files in the
file system and then performs scheduled integrity checks based on
checksum comparison. The main goal of Tripwire is to detect and
prevent malicious replacement of key files in the system by Trojans or
other malicious programs.
Samhain [31] is a multi-platform, open source solution for
centralized file integrity checking and host-based intrusion
detection on POSIX systems (e.g., Unix, Linux, and Windows). It was
designed to monitor multiple hosts with potentially different
operating systems from a central location, although it can also be
used as a standalone application on a single host. Samhain supports
multiple logging facilities, each of which can be configured
individually. Samhain offers PGP-signed databases and configuration
files and a stealth mode to protect against attempts to subvert the
integrity of the Samhain client.
Radmind [5] is a suite of Unix command-line tools and a
server designed to administer the file systems of multiple Unix
machines remotely. At its core, Radmind operates as Tripwire: it
detects changes to any managed file system object (e.g., files,
directories, links, etc.), and once a change is detected, Radmind can
optionally reverse the change.
Osiris [23] is a host integrity monitoring system that
periodically monitors one or more hosts for change. It maintains
detailed logs of changes to the file system, user, and group lists,
resident kernel modules, etc. Osiris can be configured to email
these logs to the administrator. Hosts are periodically scanned and,
if desired, the records can be maintained for forensic purposes.
Osiris uses OpenSSL for encryption and authentication in all
4.3 Online vs. Offline Integrity Checks
Some systems like I3FS [16],
SFSRO [7],
PFS [35] etc., adopt online integrity checking which
means that they ensure integrity in the critical path of a read or
write operation. Such systems are much more effective than offline
integrity checkers like fsck, Tripwire, Samhain, etc. This
is because online integrity checkers can detect integrity violations
before the violation could cause damage to the system. For example,
I3FS can detect malicious replacement of binary executables at the
time they are read (for executing) and hence can prevent execution
immediately. With offline methods that perform integrity checking in
scheduled intervals of time, there is a window of vulnerability during
which they cannot prevent the damage caused by an intrusion. Therefore,
from the security viewpoint, online integrity checkers are better than
offline ones. However, online methods mostly come with performance
costs. Performing operations like checksum comparison in the
critical section of a file system read could slow down the system
noticeably. Offline integrity checkers generally run in an
asynchronous manner and hence do not pose significant performance
problems. Depending on the importance of the data
to be protected, a suitable integrity assurance mechanism can be
chosen by the administrator. For vital data, online integrity
checkers are better suited.
5 Uses of Integrity Checking
5.1 Security
Data-integrity assurance techniques go a long way in making a computer
system secure. A large class of attacks on systems today are made
possible by malicious modification of key files stored on the file
systems. If authorized modifications to files are detected in time,
damage caused by the intrusion can be reduced or even prevented. In
this section we discuss three different applications of
integrity assurance in the viewpoint of systems security.
Intrusion Detection
In the last few years, security advisory boards have seen an
increase in the number of intrusion attacks on computer systems. A
large class of these intrusion attacks are performed by replacing key
binary executables like the ones in the /bin directory with
custom back-doors or Trojans. Integrity checking utilities like
Tripwire [18], Checksummed
NCryptfs [33], and
I3FS [16] detect unauthorized modification or
replacement of files with the help of checksums. Online notification
of integrity violations and immediate prevention of access to the
corrupted file helps in reducing the damages caused by the intrusion.
Self-Securing Storage [36] prevents intruders
from undetectably tampering with or permanently deleting stored data,
by internally auditing and logging operations within a window. System
administrators can use this information to diagnose intrusions.
Non-Repudiation and Self-Certification
Distributed storage systems like SFSRO [7] and
NASD [10] have public- or private-key-based signatures for
integrity assurance. Each request sent between nodes of the network
is appended with a public-key-based signature generated from the
request contents. This method provides authentication and assurance
about the integrity of the request received at the receiver's end, and
it also helps in ensuring non-repudiation and self-certification
because only the right sender can generate the signature.
Trusting Untrusted Networks
Distributed file systems exchange control and data information over
untrusted networks. Integrity assurance mechanisms like
tamper-resistant HMAC checksums and public key signatures
verify that the information sent through untrusted networks is not
modified or corrupted.
5.2 Performance
The design of a certain class of integrity assurance mechanisms takes
advantage of already existing redundant information to improve system
performance. We discuss two examples where redundant information
helps improve performance.
Duplicate Elimination
Low-Bandwidth Network File System (LBFS) [22]
and Venti [27] use checksums for eliminating duplicates
in their data objects. Since duplicate data objects share the same
checksum value, a reasonably collision-resistant checksumming scheme
could help identify duplicates by comparing their checksums. This
method of duplicate identification is efficient because the length of
data that needs to be compared is usually 128-bit checksums, compared
to data blocks which could be of the order of kilobytes. Duplicate
elimination helps in reducing storage space and enables better cache
utilization, and hence improves performance. Checksums are used for
duplication elimination in the Rsync protocol [38].
Checksums are a good way to index data. Object disks can use
checksums for indexing their objects [20]. SFSRO uses
collision resistant checksums for naming blocks and inodes. Though
highly collision-resistant checksums can be slightly larger than
traditionally used integers, they help achieve dual functionality with
a small incremental cost. Using checksums for naming handles offers
an easy method for retrieving the checksums associated with blocks and
thus it improves integrity checking performance.
5.3 Detecting Failures
Integrity checks on raw data can be used to identify disk failures.
Data corruption is an important symptom of a disk failure and disks
that are not fail-stop in nature could still continue to operate after
silently corrupting the data they store. Fail-stop disks stop
functioning upon a failure, thereby explicitly notifying the
controller that they failed. Non-recoverable disk errors have to be
identified in time so as to protect at least portions of the data;
integrity checking techniques can be used to achieve this goal. Some
modern disks already detect failures using on-disk integrity checking
mechanisms. In systems like RAID-5 that assume the fail-stop nature
of individual disks to detect failures, checksumming can be added to
enable them to perform automatic detection and recovery of disk
failures, even in the case of non-fail-stop disks.
6 Implementation Choices
6.1 Granularity of Integrity Checking
There are several different granularities at which integrity checks
can be performed. For example, if checksumming is used, the size of
data to be checksummed can be either a byte, a block, or even a whole
file stored on disk. Choosing the right granularity of data to be
checksummed for a particular system is important for achieving good
performance and security. Operating at a finer granularity for
integrity checks generally results in too many computations of
redundant information, especially when the access pattern is large
bulk reads. On the other hand, having a large enough granularity of
data could result in more I/O for smaller reads, because an entire
chunk of data needs to be read for performing an integrity check.
Therefore, the optimal choice of granularity depends on the nature of
the system and also on the general access pattern. In this section we
discuss four different choices of granularities at which integrity
checks can be performed, along with their trade-offs.
Block Level
Usually, hardware level and device driver level integrity assurance
mechanisms operate at the granularity of disk blocks. This is mainly
because higher level abstractions like page, file, etc., are not
visible at these lower levels. Most of the configurations of RAID and
NASD discussed in Section 4.2 perform integrity checks at
the block level. For physical redundancy checking like checksumming,
checksums are computed for each block on disk and then stored. Upon
reading a disk block, its checksum will be recomputed and compared
with the stored value. In block-level checksumming, for large reads
that span a large number of disk blocks, the number of checksum
computations and comparisons required can be large. To mitigate this
problem, most of the block level integrity checkers are implemented in
hardware. Block level integrity checkers cannot perform file system
level semantic integrity checking and hence they are limited in their
scope. The Protected File System (PFS) discussed in
Section 4.2 employs checksumming at a block granularity,
but at the file system level.
Network Request Level
In distributed file systems, the requests sent between different nodes
of the network need to be authentic so as to ensure security. Several
distributed storage systems such as NASD adopt public key signatures
or HMAC checksums to authenticate requests sent between nodes. The
sender appends a signature with every request and it is verified at
the receiver end. NASDs adopt integrity checking for requests but not
for data, because network request transfers are more important than
data transfers, and forging network requests could break
Page Level
Data integrity assurance techniques at the file system level generally
operate at a page granularity, as the smallest unit of data read from
the disk by a file system is usually a page. Since file system page
sizes are usually larger than disk block sizes, operating at a page
level often results in a better balance between the number of
checksums computations required in proportion to the size of data
read. The checksummed NCryptfs discussed in Section 4.2
performs checksumming at a page level. Every time a new page is read
from the disk, NCryptfs recomputes the checksum and compares it with
the stored value to verify the integrity of the page data. I3FS
also has a mode for performing per-page
checksumming [16].
File Level
Application level integrity checkers such as Tripwire perform
checksumming at the file level. The advantage with file-level
checksumming is that the storage space required for storing the
checksums is reduced compared to page level checksumming, because each
file has only one checksum value associated with it. In page level
checksumming, large files could have several checksum values
associated with them, requiring more storage space and efficient
retrieval methods. For that reason, I3FS also includes a mode to
perform whole-file checksumming.
6.2 Storing Redundant Data
Integrity checking requires the management of redundant information
(physical or logical) persistently. Because many integrity assurance
methods are online in nature and operate during the critical section
of reads and writes, efficiency is a key property that the storage and
retrieval mechanisms should have. There are a several different
techniques that existing mechanisms adopt. In this section we discuss
a few of them.
SFSRO stores collision-resistant cryptographic checksums of file
system objects in the form of naming handles [7].
Venti [27], a network storage system, uses unique hashes
of block contents to identify a block. In SFSRO, blocks and inodes
are named using the checksums of their contents, so that given the
naming handle of the root inode of a file system, a client can verify
the contents of any block by recursively checking hashes. This is an
efficient way of optimizing performance for storing and retrieving
checksums. On-disk parity information for error-correcting codes is
stored at the block level, much closer to the relevant blocks, to
avoid additional disk rotation or seeks for reading the parity
Checksummed NCryptfs [33] uses parallel files to
store the page-level checksums for each file. Each file in the file
system has an associated hidden checksum file which stores the
checksums of each of the file pages. Whenever a file is read, the
associated checksum is read from the hidden file and compared for
integrity violations. The advantage of this method is that it can be
easily implemented in a transparent manner across different underlying
file systems. Checksummed NCryptfs can be used with any underlying
on-disk or network file systems. The problem with using parallel
files is that each time a file is opened, it gets translated to
opening two files (the checksum file also). This affects performance
to some extent.
I3FS uses in-kernel Berkeley databases (KBDB) [15] to
store both page level and whole file checksums. Since KBDB supports
efficient storage and retrieval of
ákey,valueñ pairs in the form of
B-trees, hash tables, etc., it enables easy storage and retrieval of
checksums, keyed by inode numbers and page numbers.
PFS [35] stores block level checksums for both data
and meta-data blocks as part of the journal, indexed by a logical
record number. It also has an in-memory hash table for easy retrieval
of checksums from the journal.
7 Logical Redundancy
Techniques that involve logical redundancy exploit the semantics of
data to verify integrity. Logical redundancy mechanisms can be used
to perform integrity checks by exploiting the inherent semantic
redundancy that already exists in the data. An example of a system
that employs logical redundancy is the Pilot operating
system [29] whose file system meta-data is
advisory in nature in that the entire meta-data of a file
can be regenerated by scanning through the file data. It stores
meta-data for faster access to the file, but it can potentially use
this information to perform integrity checks on the file when needed
by just comparing the regenerated value and the stored value of the
meta-data. Similarly, in some size-changing stackable file
systems [43] the index files that store
mapping information for sizes are totally reconstructible from the
file data. This can also be used for performing online integrity
checks to detect inconsistencies between file sizes.
Logical redundancy is a common method used by databases to maintain
the semantic integrity of information they store [11].
We have identified that the general technique of logical redundancy
can be exploited by storage systems at various levels, to implement
seamless integrity checking. The main advantage of this method is
that there is minimal additional overhead imposed by the integrity
checking mechanism, because the storage and perhaps retrieval of
redundant information is already performed by the system for other
purposes. There are several areas in storage where logical redundancy
can be exploited to ensure the integrity of data. We discuss three in
this section.
7.1 Pilot File System
The Pilot file system is part of the Pilot Operating
System [29]. The Pilot file system's uniqueness is
its robustness. This is achieved primarily through the use of
reconstructible maps. Many systems make use of a file
scavenger, a startup consistency checker for a file system,
like fsck. In Pilot, the scavenger is given first-class
status, in the sense that the file structures were all designed from
the beginning with the scavenger in mind. Each file page is
self-identifying by virtue of its label, written as a separate
physical record adjacent to the one holding the actual contents of the
page. Conceptually, one can think of a file page access as proceeding
to scan all known volumes, and checking the label of each page
encountered until the desired one is found. In practice, this scan is
performed only once by the scavenger, which leaves behind maps on each
volume describing what it found there. Pilot then uses the maps and
incrementally updates them as file pages are created and deleted. The
logical redundancy of the maps does not imply lack of importance,
because the system would be not be efficient without them. Since they
contain only redundant information, they can be completely
reconstructed should they be lost. In particular, this means that
damage to any page on the disk can compromise only data on that page.
The primary map structure is the volume file map, a B-tree keyed on
file-UID and page-number which returns the device address of the page.
All file storage devices check the label of the page and abort the I/O
operation in case of a mismatch; mismatch does not occur in normal
operation and generally indicates the need to scavenge the volume.
The volume file map uses extensive compression of UIDs and
run-encoding of page numbers to maximize the out-degree of the
internal nodes of the B-tree and thus minimize its depth.
The volume allocation map is also an important part of the Pilot file
system. It is a table that describes the allocation status of each
page on the disk. Each free page is a self-identifying member of a
hypothetical file of free pages, allowing reconstruction of the volume
allocation map.
The Pilot file system is a very good example for how logical
redundancy can be exploited for performing integrity checks. However,
the Pilot operating system is just a research OS and is not in use
today. In general, with logical redundancy, although we cannot ensure
block data integrity, we can ensure meta-data integrity without
storing any additional information. For key files in the file system
whose integrity has to be monitored, its meta-data can be
reconstructed each time the file is read, and can be compared with the
stored meta-data. This can detect inconsistencies between the data
and meta-data. This method of online integrity checking is useful in
cases where important files are frequently updated by concurrent
processes, giving room for inconsistencies during a system fault.
7.2 File System Bitmaps
Current Unix file systems such as Ext2 use several bitmaps for
managing meta-data. For example, in Ext2, inode table entries are
identified through inode bitmaps. Each bit represents the current
state of an entry in the inode table within that group, where 1 means
"used" and 0 means "free/available." In addition to this bitmap,
the file system also stores the current state of the inode which
exists in the inode table. Whenever an inode is deleted, the file
system marks the entry in the inode table as "deleted." This is
redundant information maintained by Ext2 which is presently used by
file system startup integrity checkers like fsck to
reconstruct the bitmaps when the file system is corrupted due to a
system crash.
This logical redundancy can be used for performing online integrity
checks. In this scenario, integrity checks help prevent two kinds of
potential problems: unexpected loss of data, and wasted inodes and
disk blocks. A transient hardware bit error while reading the inode
bitmap could make an existing file inaccessible. If a bitmap value
for a used inode is read as free, then the file system could overwrite
the existing inode for a newly created file, thereby making the file
pointed to by the older inode unreachable. This also makes the blocks
occupied by the older file inaccessible, resulting in wasted disk
space. Similarly, if while reading the inode bitmap, a bit error
occurs, this could result in a free inode being read as used, and the
corresponding inode will be wasted. By performing online integrity
checks based on logical redundancy, bit errors while reading bitmap
blocks can easily be identified, and their effects can be prevented.
7.3 On-Disk Data Structures
Several indexing schemes and data storage patterns are being employed
for efficient retrieval of data from secondary storage devices. Hash
files and B-trees are the most common examples. B-trees are balanced
trees that are optimized for situations when part or all of the tree
must be maintained in secondary storage such as a magnetic disk.
Since disk accesses are expensive time-consuming operations, a B-tree
tries to minimize the number of disk accesses. For example, a B-tree
with a height of 2 and a branching factor of 1,001 can store over one
billion keys but requires at most two disk accesses to search for any
node. Each node other than the leaf nodes in a B-tree has pointers to
several children. One of the common integrity problems with B-trees
are pointer corruptions. A pointer corruption in a single node of a
B-tree can cause serious problems while reading the data stored in it,
as the entire branching path will be changed due to the wrong pointer
value. Several methods can be used to perform integrity checks in
B-trees. The most common among them is to store the checksums of the
child nodes along with the pointers in each node. With these
checksums, each time a pointer is followed, the checksum of the child
node can be computed and compared with the stored value. This method
can effectively detect integrity violations in B-trees, but is not
quite efficient. A modification to a single leaf node data requires
the recomputation and storing the checksums of the entire ancestor
path up to the root. Moreover, computing and comparing checksums for
each pointer access could seriously affect performance.
Logical redundancy techniques can be employed for performing efficient
integrity checks in B-trees. If each child node has a back pointer to
its parent, every time we follow a pointer, we can check if the new
child node visited points back to its parent. This way pointer
corruptions can easily be detected without the hassle of generating
and comparing checksums. Although this method cannot ensure the
integrity of data in the child nodes, it can effectively detect
pointer corruptions with minimal space and time overheads.
8 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper presents a survey of different integrity assurance
mechanisms that are in use today. We have analyzed integrity
assurance techniques from three different dimensions in our taxonomy:
the scope of assurance, logical layer, and checking mode. We have
also discussed several interesting applications of integrity
assurance. We analyzed how existing systems that employ integrity
checks can use redundant data to improve their performance and add new
functionality. We presented real examples for some of the systems.
We discussed several implementation choices for integrity checking
granularity and managing redundant information.
We formalized a new class of efficient integrity assurance mechanisms
called logical redundancy and discussed three examples where
it can be used. In our taxonomy we describe integrity assurance
techniques in four different viewpoints: the redundancy mechanisms
used, their scope, their level of operation, and the frequency at
which checks are performed. We discussed the operation of several
existing systems in each of those viewpoints.
Our experience describing the taxonomy of integrity assurance
techniques has helped us focus our thinking on exploring more logical
redundancy techniques for integrity checking at low cost, in a highly
efficient manner. We hope to explore further systems that maintain
redundant information as part of their normal operation, but do not
quite use them for performing integrity checks. These systems can be
made more secure and efficient, by making use of the information that
they maintain.
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On 14 Nov 2005, 14:30.