Improving Application Performance Through System Call Composition
Amit Purohit, Joseph Spadavecchia, Charles Wright, and Erez Zadok
Stony Brook University
Technical Report FSL-02-01
Long-running server applications can easily execute millions of common
data-intensive system calls each day, incurring large data copy
We introduce a new framework, Compound System Calls
(Cosy), to enhance the performance of such applications. Cosy
provides a mechanism to safely execute data-intensive code segments in
the kernel.
Cosy encodes a C code segment containing system calls in a compound
structure. The kernel executes this aggregate compound directly, thus
avoiding data copies between user-space and kernel-space.
With the help of a Cosy-GCC compiler, regular C code can use Cosy
facilities with minimal changes. Cosy-GCC automatically identifies
and encodes zero-copy opportunities across system calls. To ensure
safety in the kernel, we use a combination of static and dynamic
checks, and we also exploit kernel preemption and hardware features
such as x86 segmentation.
We implemented the system on Linux and instrumented a few
data-intensive applications such as those with database access
patterns. Our benchmarks show performance improvements of 20-80%
for non-I/O bound applications.
1 Introduction
Applications like FTP, HTTP, and Mail servers move a lot of data across
the user-kernel boundary. It is well understood that this cross-boundary
data movement puts a significant overhead on the application,
hampering its performance. For data-intensive applications, data
copies to user-level processes could slow overall performance by two
orders of magnitude [33]. For example, to serve an
average Web page that includes five external links (for instance
images), a Web server executes 12 read and write system calls. Thus
a busy Web server serving 1000 hits per second will have executed
more than one billion costly data-intensive system calls each day.
One method to address the problem of data movement is to extend the
functionality of existing OSs to satisfy the needs of the application
[2,9,22,28]. The
problem with such methods is that they require an entirely new
framework with a special OS or special languages to assure the safety
of the system.
Another way to reduce data copies is simply to minimize the number of
times context switches happen. For example, reading files in large
chunks instead of small ones can reduce the number of times the
read system call is invoked to read a file entirely.
A third method, often used in networking, is to aggregate network or
protocol messages together and send them as one larger message. NFSv4
[24] defines a compound message as a packed sequence of
RPC messages, each specifying a single NFSv4 operation. In this way,
an NFSv4 client could send a distant server one message that encodes
several requests, thus reducing network latency and setup time.
Cosy provides a framework that allows user applications to execute
their data-intensive code segments in the kernel, thereby avoiding
data copies. Cosy aggregates the system calls and intermediate code
belonging to a data-intensive code segment to form a compound. This
compound is passed to the kernel via a new system call
(cosy_run), which decodes the compound and executes the
encoded operations, avoiding data copies.
Zero-copy techniques, sometimes known as fast-path architectures,
reduce the number of times data is copied
Cosy employs zero-copy techniques in three places.
First, the Cosy buffer used to encode a compound is itself a physical
kernel memory segment mapped to the user space application; this way
both the kernel and the user process can read from or write to this
shared memory space without an explicit copy.
Second, the Cosy system allows a user application to allocate
additional contiguous physical kernel memory that is also mapped to
the user application. This memory, called a Cosy shared data
buffer, can be used like any other malloced memory, only that
using this memory does not require copying between user processes
and the kernel; this is particularly useful for system calls that run
frequently (e.g., stat) or copy a lot of data between the
user and kernel address spaces (e.g.,
read or write).
Third, Cosy allows compounded system calls to directly share system
call arguments and return values. For example, the file descriptor
number returned by open can be passed to a read call
so it can operate on that opened file; and a memory buffer (whether a
Cosy shared buffer or not) used by a read call could be passed
to a subsequent write call, which can then use it directly.
We provide Cosy-GCC, a modified version of GCC 3.2, to automatically
convert data-intensive code into a compound. The user just needs
to mark the data-intensive code segment and Cosy-GCC converts the code
into a compound at compile time. Cosy-GCC also resolves dependencies
among parameters of Cosy statements and encodes this information in
the compound. Cosy uses this information to reduce data copies while
executing the compound in the kernel.
Systems that allow arbitrary user code to execute in kernel mode must
address security and protection issues: how to avoid buggy or
malicious code from corrupting data, accessing protected data, or
crashing the kernel. Securing such code often requires costly
runtime checking [28]. Cosy uses a combination of static
and runtime approaches to assure safety in the kernel. Cosy explores
various hardware features along with software techniques to achieve
maximum safety without adding much overhead.
We have prototyped the Cosy system on Linux. We conducted a series of
general-purpose benchmarks and micro-benchmarks comparing regular user
applications to those that use Cosy. We found overall performance
improvements of Cosy to be up to 20-80% for common non-I/O bound
user applications.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the design of our system and
includes safety features in detail.
We discuss interesting implementation aspects in Section 3.
Section 4 describes the evaluation of our system.
We review related works in Section 5 and conclude in Section
2 Design
Often only a critical portion of the application code suffers due to
data movement across the user-kernel boundary. Cosy encodes the
statements belonging to a bottleneck code segment along with their
parameters to form a compound. When executed, this compound
is passed to the kernel, which extracts the encoded statements and their
arguments and executes them one by one, avoiding extraneous data
copies. We designed Cosy to achieve maximum performance with minimal
user intervention and without compromising security. The three primary
design objectives of Cosy are as follows:
- Performance
We exploit several zero-copy techniques at various stages to enhance
the performance. For example, we use shared buffers between user and
kernel space for fast cross-boundary data exchange.
- Safety
We use various security features involving kernel preemption and
hardware-specific features such as Intel's segmentation, to assure a
robust safety mechanism even in the face of errant or malicious user
programs. We use a combination of static and dynamic checks to assure
safety in the kernel without adding much runtime overhead. We
discuss safety design issues in Section 2.6.
- Simplicity
We have automated the formation and execution of the compound so that
it is almost transparent to the end user. Thus, it is simple to write
new code as well as modify existing code to use Cosy. The Cosy
framework is extensible and adding new features to it is easy.
2.1 Architecture
To facilitate the formation and execution of a compound, Cosy provides
three components: Cosy-GCC, Cosy-Lib and the Cosy Kernel Extension.
Users need to identify the bottleneck code segments and mark them with
the Cosy specific constructs COSY_START and
COSY_END. This marked code is parsed and the statements
within the delimiters are encoded into the Cosy language. We call
this intermediate representation of the marked code segment a
compound. Encoded statements belonging to a compound are
called Cosy operations.
The Cosy system uses two buffers for exchanging information. First, a
compound is encoded in a compound buffer. Second, Cosy uses a
shared buffer to facilitate zero-copying of data within
system calls and between user applications and the kernel.
2.2 Cosy-GCC
Cosy-GCC automates the tedious task of extracting Cosy operations out
of a marked C-code segment and packing them into a compound, so the
translation of marked C-code to an intermediate representation is
entirely transparent to the user.
Cosy-GCC also resolves dependencies among parameters of the Cosy
operations. Cosy-GCC determines if the input parameter of the
operations is the output of any of the previous operations. It is
necessary to encode this dependency, as the real values of the
parameters are not known until the operations are actually executed.
While parsing the marked code, Cosy-GCC maintains a symbol table of
output parameters of the operations and labels. It compares each of
the input parameters of any new operation against the entries in the
symbol table to check for any dependencies. This dependence is marked
in the flags field (Section 2.3.1)
of the compound buffer. For conditional statements or jumps, the
control flow within the compound may vary depending on the outcome of
the conditional statement. Cosy-GCC determines the next operation to
execute in case that a branch is taken or not taken. To resolve
forward references in such cases, Cosy-GCC uses a symbol table.
Cosy supports loops (i.e., for, do-while,
and while), conditional statements (i.e., if,
switch, goto), simple arithmetic operations (i.e.,
increment, decrement, assignment, add, subtract) and system calls
within a marked code segment. Cosy also provides an interface to
execute a piece of user code in the kernel. Applications like
grep, volume rendering [31], and
checksumming are the main motivation behind adding this support.
These applications read large amounts of data in chunks and then
perform a unique operation on every chunk. To benefit such
applications Cosy provides a secure mechanism to call a user supplied
function from within the kernel.
In order to assure completely secure execution of the code in the
kernel, we restrict Cosy-GCC to support a subset of the C-language.
Cosy-GCC ensures there are no unsupported instructions within the
marked block, so complex code may need some small modifications to fit
within the Cosy framework. This subset is carefully chosen to support
different types of code in the marked block, thus making Cosy useful
for a wide range of applications.
2.3 Cosy-Lib
The Cosy library provides utility functions to create a compound.
Statements in the user-marked code segment are changed by the Cosy-GCC
to call these utility functions. So the functioning of Cosy-Lib and
the internal structure of the compound buffer are entirely transparent
to the user.
Cosy-Lib is also responsible for maintaining the shared data buffer.
The library extends the malloc library to efficiently handle the
shared data buffer. User applications that wish to exploit zero-copy
can manage memory from the shared data buffer with the
cosy_malloc and cosy_free functions provided by our library.
2.3.1 Structure of a Compound
In this section we describe the internal structure of a compound,
which is stored within the compound buffer (see Figure
1). A compound is the intermediate
representation of the marked code segment and contains a set of
operations belonging to one of the following types:
- System calls
- Arithmetic operations
- Variable assignments
- while and do-while loops
- Optimized for loops (See Section 3)
- User provided functions
- Conditional statements
- switch statements
- Labels
- gotos (unconditional branches)
Figure 1: Internal structure of cosy compound: An example of a compound of a system call, a conditional, an assignment, and an addition.
The compound buffer is shared between the user and kernel space. The
operations that are added by the user into the compound are directly
available to the Cosy Kernel Extension without any data copies. The
first field of a compound is the global header that contains the total
number of operations encoded in the compound. The "End of Compound"
field is required since each Cosy operation may occupy a variable
length. The compound also contains a field to set the upper limit on
the maximum number of operations to be executed. This limit is
necessary to avoid infinite loops inside the kernel. The remaining
portion of the compound contains a number of operations. The structure
of each operation is of the following form: a local header followed by
a number of arguments needed for the execution.
Each type of operation has a different structure for the local
headers. Each local header has a type field, which uniquely
identifies the operation type. Depending on the type of the
operation, the rest of the arguments are analyzed. For example, if the
operation is of the type "system call," then the local header will
contain the system call number and flags. The flags indicate whether
the argument is the actual value or a reference to the output of some
other operation. The latter occurs when there are argument
dependencies. If it is a reference, then the actual value is
retrieved from the reference address. The local header is followed by
a number of arguments necessary to execute the operation. If the
execution of the operation returns any value (e.g., a system call, math
operation, or a function call) one position is reserved to store the
result of the operation. Conditional statements affect the flow of
the execution. The header of a conditional statement specifies the
operator, and if the condition is satisfied, the next instruction is
then executed. Cosy-GCC resolves dependencies among the arguments and
the return values, the correspondence between the label and the
compound operation, and forward references for jump labels.
2.4 The Cosy Kernel Extension
The Cosy kernel extension extracts the operations encoded in a
compound and executes them one by one. The Cosy kernel extension
provides three system calls:
- cosy_init allocates both the compound buffer and the shared data buffer that will be used by the user and the kernel to exchange encoded compounds and return results.
- cosy_run decodes the compound and executes the decoded operations one by one.
- cosy_free releases any resources allocated for Cosy on behalf of this process. This is optional: the kernel will also garbage collect such resources upon termination of the process.
2.4.1 Executing the Compound
The Cosy kernel extension is the heart of the Cosy framework. It
decodes each operation within a compound buffer and then executes each
operation in turn.
The normal behavior of any user application is to make system calls,
and based on the results, decide the next set of system calls to
execute; so the sequence in which the system calls are executed is not
constant. Therefore, it is not sufficient to execute the system calls
belonging to a compound in the order that they were packed. After
executing one system call, the Cosy kernel extension checks the result
and decides the next system call to execute. The Cosy framework
supports programming language constructs such as loops, conditionals,
and math operations. This way the user program can encode conditional
statements and iterative instructions into the compound. The Cosy
kernel extension executes the system calls in the sequence that they
were packed unless it reaches a condition or loop statement. At that
point, it determines the next call to execute depending on the result
of the conditional statement. Cosy also supports another mode, where
the Cosy kernel extension exits on the first failure of any Cosy
operation. This mode is useful while executing a long loop in the
kernel that has error checking after the loop.
We limit the framework to support only a subset of C. One of the main
reasons is safety, which we discuss in Section 2.6.
Another issue is that extending the language further to support more
features may not increase performance because the overhead to decode a
compound increases with the complexity of the language. The savings
may not be manifested as a result of this overhead.
Efficient decoding of the compound is required to achieve our
performance goals. To achieve this, we exploit various optimizations.
To make decoding efficient, Cosy uses lazy caching of decoded data.
Thus the first time any operation is visited it is decoded and this
decoded operation is stored in a hash table. The next time the same
operation has to be evaluated, decoding is avoided. During system
call execution, the arguments of the system calls are pushed directly
onto the stack and then the system call function is called using a
small amount of assembly code. This avoids any intermediate copying
of arguments from the compound buffer to local buffers and hence
speeds up the invocation of system calls. The savings in the
decoding time and the time to invoke a system call help to minimize
Cosy's overhead.
2.5 Zero-Copy Techniques
Many common system calls can realize performance improvements through
zero-copy techniques. read and write are especially
good candidates as they normally copy large amounts of data between
the kernel and user space. Calls like stat can also benefit
from zero-copy techniques because they are invoked very often.
The area where user programs can achieve the largest savings from the
shared data buffer is system time. So this method is particularly
useful when the data copies are not I/O bound. The Cosy framework uses the shared data
buffer to support zero-copy data transfers by modifying the behavior
of copy_to_user and copy_from_user. Many system
calls including read and write utilize these copy
calls and will enjoy the benefits of using the shared data buffer by
avoiding redundant data copies.
Whenever a user makes a read system call using the shared
buffer, Cosy checks for the use of a shared buffer and skips the
copy_to_user call avoiding a data copy back to user-space. Cosy
stores the physical address of the page that contains the read data in
struct task. After that, if the user makes any call that
uses the same shared buffer, then the stored physical address is
provided to that call. For example, if the user makes a
write call which also uses the same shared buffer, Cosy uses
the stored physical address in
As the check for zero-copy is performed in copy_to_user and
copy_from_user, which are generic calls, any system call that
performs data copies receives the benefit of zero-copy by using the
shared buffer. Cosy is not skipping any validation checks, so safety
is not violated. So in the worst case a bad address provided by a
buggy or malicious program will be passed to the system call. The
system call still checks the validity of all arguments, so a
segmentation fault will be generated as normal.
System calls like stat copy information about a file from
kernel kernel to user space. In this case Cosy saves copies by
allocating the stat buffer in physical kernel memory that is
shared between the kernel and the user process. Cosy can take this
one step further and exploit the relationships between system calls
that share data buffers. For instance, data is often read from one
file and written to another. If we allocate this buffer in physical
kernel memory, then we can share it directly between calls within the
Cosy supports special versions of existing system calls to enable
zero-copy by default using the shared data buffer. These system calls
are accessible only through Cosy. Currently we support stat,
read, and write as described in Section
3. When applications use memory allocated using
cosy_malloc and use it in read, write, or
stat system calls, Cosy-GCC detects the possible optimization
and converts these calls to their zero-copy versions.
2.6 Safety Features
Cosy applies runtime bound checking to prevent possible overruns of
the shared buffer. Cosy is not vulnerable to bad arguments when
executing system calls on behalf of a user process. The system call
invocation by the Cosy kernel module is the same as a normal process
and hence all the necessary checks are performed. However, when
executing a user-supplied function, more safety precautions are needed.
Cosy makes use of the hardware and software checks provided by the
underlying architecture and the operating system to do this
efficiently. We describe two interesting Cosy safety features in the
next sections: a preemptive kernel to avoid infinite loops, and x86
segmentation to protect kernel memory.
2.6.1 Kernel Preemption
One of the critical problems that needs to be handled while executing
a user function in the kernel is to limit its execution time. To
handle such situations, Cosy uses a preemptible kernel. A preemptible
kernel allows scheduling of processes even when they are running in
the context of the kernel. So even if a Cosy process causes an
infinite loop it is eventually scheduled out. Every time a Cosy
process is scheduled out, Cosy interrupts and checks the running time
of the process inside the kernel. If this time has exceeded the
maximum allowed kernel time then the process is terminated. We
modified the scheduler behavior to add this check for Cosy processes.
The added code is minimal and is executed only for Cosy processes and
hence does not affect the overall system performance.
2.6.2 x86 Segmentation
To assure the secure execution of user supplied functions in the kernel,
we use the Intel x86 segmentation feature. We support two approaches.
The first approach is to put the entire user function in an isolated
segment but at the same privilege level. The static and dynamic needs
of such a function are satisfied using memory belonging to the same
isolated segment. This approach assures
maximum security, as any reference outside the isolated segment
generates a protection fault. Also, if we use two non-overlapping
segments for function code and function data, concerns due to self
modifying code vanish automatically. However, to invoke a function in
a different segment involves overhead. Before making the function
call, the Cosy kernel extension saves the current state to resume
execution. Saving the current state and restoring it back is achieved
by using the standard task-switching macros, SAVE_ALL and
RESTORE_ALL, with some modifications. These macros involve
around 12 assembly pushl and popl instructions,
each. So if the function is small and it is executed a large number of
times, this approach could be costly due to the added overhead of
these two macros. The important assumption here is that even if the
code is executing in a different segment it still executes at the same
privilege level as the kernel. Hence, it is possible to access
resources exposed to this isolated segment, without any extra
overhead. Currently, we allow the isolated code to read only the
shared buffer, so that the isolated code can work on this data without
any explicit data copies.
The second approach uses a combination of static and dynamic methods
to assure security. In this approach we restrict our checks to only
those that protect against malicious memory references. This is
achieved by isolating the function data from the function code by
placing the function data in its own segment, while leaving the
function code in the same segment as the kernel. In Linux, all the
data references are resolved using ds segment register,
unless a different segment register is explicitly specified. In this
approach, all accesses to function data are forced to use a different
segment register than ds (gs or fs). The
segment register (gs or fs) points to the isolated
data segment, thus allowing access only to that segment; the remaining
portion of the memory is protected from malicious access. This is
enforced by having Cosy-GCC append a %gs (or
%fs) prefix to all memory references within the
function. This approach involves no additional runtime overhead while
calling such a function, making it very efficient. However, this
approach has two limitations. It provides little protection
against self modifying code, and it is also vulnerable to hand-crafted
user functions that are not compiled using Cosy-GCC.
2.7 Cosy Examples
To understand the phases of Cosy in greater detail we demonstrate a
simple C program that reads a file using Cosy features, and
then show its internal representation after the Cosy-GCC modification.
The C code below reads an input file name until the end of the
file. For simplicity we do not include any error checking in this
2 fd = open(name,f,m);
3 do {
4 rln = read(fd,bf,ln);
5 } while(rln == ln);
6 close(fd);
The code segment is marked with COSY_START and
COSY_END. When this program is compiled using Cosy-GCC it
replaces the statements with calls to Cosy-Lib functions to add the
statements into a compound. We show the converted code after the
Cosy-GCC compilation below:
1 cosy_add(&fd,NR_open,0,name,0,f,0,m);
2 cosy_do();
3 cosy_add(&rln,NR_read,1,fd,0,bf,0,ln);
4 cosy_while(1,rln,"==",0,ln);
5 cosy_add(__NR_close,1,fd);
6 cosy_run();
Statements 1 through 5 add operations to the compound. Statement 6 is
a Cosy Kernel Extension call that informs the Cosy kernel to execute the
compound. In statement 3, the third parameter is a flag indicating
that the parameter value fd is not known and should be
retrieved from the output of the first operation (open).
3 Implementation
We implemented a Cosy prototype on Linux 2.4.20. This section
highlights the following five implementation issues: kernel changes,
shared buffers, zero-copy, faster system call invocation, and loop
Kernel Changes and Maintenance
The number of lines of code that we have changed is a good indicator
of the complexity of our system. The kernel proper only needs a 37
line patch, which is only necessary so that the Cosy kernel module can
interface with the static kernel to modify the task structure. Our
system consists of three components: Cosy-GCC, a user-level library,
and a kernel module. The patch to GCC is 600 lines, the kernel code
is 1877 lines, and the library is 4002 lines. Most of the kernel code
handles the decoding of the compound call. To make it easier for the
user to write programs using Cosy we provide an interface that for a
subset of C. To support this feature we created a small database
containing the list of all the system calls. We auto-generate the code
to support these system calls. This auto-generation makes code
development and maintenance simpler.
The changes to the task structure involve addition of three
fields. Since Cosy allocates kernel buffers for each process. Since
kernel buffers are a scarce resource, it is the responsibility of the
allocator to release this memory after the process's termination. To
facilitate this resource reclamation we added a field into the task
structure that points to a structure containing all the kernel
allocated addresses, and a field that contains a pointer to a cleanup
function that will release these resources. The third field contains a
timer that indicates the total amount of time that this Cosy compound has
been executing in the kernel. This timer is used to terminate the
process when the process exceeds its allowed time span.
Shared Buffers
There are some standard mechanisms that enable sharing of data between
user and kernel space. We explored two such approaches in great detail
to determine which one gives us the fastest way of sharing data. The
first approach was by using kiobufs. Kiobufs
facilitate user-mode DMA. A user application allocates a buffer in
user space and passes the virtual address to the kernel. The kernel
determines the physical address of the page and stores it in the
kiobufs. Whenever the kernel wishes to access this data it
can just look into the kiobuf for the physical address of the
page. The limitation of this approach is that multiple pages may not
be allocated contiguously in the physical address space. To compensate
for this, the kernel needs to check which page is under consideration
and determine its physical address. This would decrease performance
for large memory segments. Instead, we chose to have the kernel
kmalloc a set of pages in the memory and map these pages to
the process' address space. As
kmalloc always returns physically contiguous memory, both the
user and the kernel can access our shared buffers sequentially.
Supporting zero-copy without major kernel changes was the biggest
challenge we faced. We explored different options to do a zero-copy
read and write operation. It is possible to modify
the read and write system calls to make them support
zero-copy. We can also implement different versions of these calls
which support the zero-copy data transfer. Both of the above mentioned
solutions are specific to particular calls. We adopted a more generic
approach to implement zero-copy transfer. Both read and
write and their variants that deal with data copy make use of
the macros copy_to_user and copy_from_user. To
provide a generic solution, we modified these two macros. In
copy_to_user we avoid the data copy and instead save the
source page address belonging to the disk block. When the read data
is to be written, sys_write calls copy_from_user
to copy the data from the user buffer. At this point the address
copy_to_user stored in the task structure is fed
to the write as the source for data.
stat requires different techniques than read and write
because it returns only a 64 byte structure and the mapping techniques
we use for copy_to_user are less efficient with for
segments of memory. Cosy defines cosy_stat, which is a
special version of sys_stat that operates only on shared
buffers. sys_stat reads some information about a requested
file into a kernel buffer and then copies it to a supplied user
buffer. Unlike sys_stat, Cosy_stat writes directly into the
user-supplied fast buffer, which is accessible to the user
application. Thus Cosy_stat avoids one data copy of the stat
buffer. The user can allocate a chunk in the fast buffer by calling
cosy_malloc, which is then used by cosy_stat to
execute a zero-copy stat.
Faster System Call Invocation
We use assembly code to speedup the invocation of system calls. The
system call arguments are aligned in the shared buffer, in exactly the
same order as they have to be pushed onto the kernel stack. We push
them directly onto the stack using the IA32 assembly instruction
pushl param and then call the function belonging to the
system call using another assembly instruction call
sys_call_ptr. This way the argument handling is more
efficient. Copying of arguments into any of the local buffers is
avoided. There are only 25 lines of assembly code consisting of only
simple arithmetic, push, and jump instructions.
Loop Constructs
Cosy has three forms of loops: while,
do-while, and for. In the most general
case a for loop is converted to an equivalent
while loop, but many for loops are of the form:
for (i = I; i conditional C; i += N)
In this case converting the for loop to a while loop
will require three Cosy operations: the initialization (i = I), the
loop (while (i conditional C)), and the addition (i += N).
However, if the loop is in this common form, we use a special
for operator, which encodes the parameters I, C, and N
into a single operation. Using a single Cosy operation avoids decoding
the addition operation during each loop iteration.
4 Evaluation
To evaluate the behavior and performance of compound system calls we
conducted extensive benchmarking on Linux comparing the standard
system call interface to various configurations using Cosy. In this
section we (1) discuss the benchmarks we performed using these
configurations, (2) demonstrate the overhead added by the Cosy
framework using micro-benchmarks, and (3) show the overall performance
on general-purpose workloads.
4.1 Experimental Setup
We ran each benchmark using a subset of the following three
- VAN: A vanilla setup where benchmarks use standard
system calls, without Cosy.
- COSY: A modified setup where benchmarks use the Cosy
interface to form compounds and send them to the kernel to be executed.
- COSY-FAST: A setup identical to the cosy setup
except that it uses a fast shared buffer to avoid memory copies
between user-space and kernel-space.
Our experimental testbed was a 1.7GHz Intel Pentium 4 machine with
128MB of RAM and a 36GB 10,000 RPM IBM Ultrastar 73LZX SCSI hard drive.
All tests were performed on an Ext2 file system, with a single native
disk partition that was the size of our largest data set to avoid
interactions with rotational delay [8].
We installed the vanilla Linux 2.4.20 kernel and applied the Cosy
kernel patch and the kernel preemption patch. All user
activities, periodic jobs, and unnecessary services were disabled
during benchmarking. We measured Cosy performance for a variety of
CPU speeds. However, we only report the results for the 1.7GHz
Pentium 4 because the results are not significantly different for the
other CPU speeds.
We ran each experiment at least 20 times and measured the average
elapsed, system, user, and I/O (wait) times. Finally, we measured the
standard deviations in our experiments and found them to be small:
less than 5% of the mean for most benchmarks described. We report
deviations that exceeded 5% with their relevant benchmarks.
4.2 Cosy Overhead
Using the configurations mentioned in Section 4.1 we
performed a getpid micro-benchmark to evaluate the efficiency
and overhead of the Cosy framework. This benchmark shows the overhead
involved with forming a compound and executing it using the Cosy
framework. We chose getpid because it performs a minimal amount
of work in the kernel.
We ran this benchmark for the van and cosy setups. We
omitted the cosy_fast configuration because the fast buffer
does not serve a purpose for getpid.
The van benchmark program executes a number of independent
getpid system calls within a for loop. The cosy setup
constructs a for loop to be decoded by cosy_run and
evaluated in the kernel. For each test we ran
the benchmark for an exponentially increasing number of getpid
calls: 2, 4, 8, ..., 256. This helped us measure the scalability of
the Cosy framework.
Figure 2 shows that COSY is more
efficient than van. The improvements range from 12-90% in
elapsed time, 36-85% in system time, and -10-100% in the user
Figure 2: Elapsed, system, and user time percentage improvements
of COSY over VAN for getpid.
When the number of getpids is 2 or less cosy shows 10%
penalty in user time. This is because cosy has an overhead of
creating the compound in user space. cosy adds two operations in
the compound: a for loop and a system call getpid.
Even if the number of getpids is increased, the size of the
compound remains the same and hence the user-space overhead remains
the same. On the other hand, as the number of getpids increases,
the amount of work van does in user space increases linearly.
Hence, initially when the number of getpids is small (less
than 3), van looks better in user time; but, as the number of
getpids increases, cosy performs better than van.
cosy shows improvement in system time, even though it is
decoding and executing a loop inside the kernel. This is because the
loop overhead is less costly than context switching. The benchmark
indicates that even after paying the overhead of decoding a loop,
cosy performs 36-85% better than van. The results indicate
that the decoding overhead in Cosy is minimal.
Elapsed time results always show improvement, irrespective of the
number of getpids. Thus, even if cosy has some
overhead for small compounds in user time, the system time savings
more than compensate, resulting in overall performance improvement.
4.3 General Purpose Benchmarks
Using the configurations defined in Section 4.1
we conducted four general purpose benchmarks to measure the overall
performance of the Cosy framework for general-purpose workloads: database, Bonnie, ls, and grep.
* Database Simulation
In this benchmark we find the benefits of Cosy for a
database-like application. We wrote a program that seeks to random
locations in a file and then reads and writes to it. The total number of reads and writes is six million. We followed similar techniques as used by Bonnie
[7] and pgmeter [4] to simulate the database
access patterns. The ratio of reads to writes we chose is 2:1,
matching pgmeter's database workload.
We used the three configurations van, cosy, and
cosy_fast. The Cosy versions of the benchmark program create a
compound and executes it for a user-specified number of
iterations. This compound executes a function to generate a random
number, for use as an offset into the file. The next operation in the
compound is to seek to this random offset, and then read from that
location. On every alternate iteration, the compound executes a write
after the read. cosy_fast exploits zero-copy while reading and
writing the same data, while cosy is the non-zero-copy version
of the same benchmark.
We ran the benchmark for increasing file sizes. We kept the number of
transactions constant at six million. We also ran this benchmark with
multiple processes to determine the scalability of Cosy in a
multiprocess environment.
* Bonnie
We used the Bonnie benchmark [7] to measure the benefits of
Cosy's zero-copy techniques. Bonnie is a file system test that
intensely exercises both sequential and random reads and writes.
Bonnie has three phases. First, it creates a file of a given size by
writing it one character at a time, then it rewrites the file in chunks
of 4096, and then it writes the same file one block at a time. Second,
Bonnie reads the file one character at a time, then a block at a time;
this can be used to exercise the file system cache, since cached pages
have to be invalidated as they get overwritten. Third, Bonnie forks 3
processes that each perform 4000 random lseeks in the file, and read
one block; in 10% of those seeks, Bonnie also writes the block with
random data. This last phase of Bonnie simulates a random read+write
behavior, often observed in database applications.
We modified Bonnie to use Cosy. In the first phase we modified the
block write and rewrite sections. We skip the first section where
Bonnie writes to a file using putc since it is a glibc
function that uses buffered I/O and hence not applicable to Cosy. In
the second phase we modified the block read section. We did not
modify the third phase as we have demonstrated a database simulation
application in the previous benchmark, and ours is more intense than
Bonnie's. Our database benchmark simulates the database read+write
patterns more accurately, because the number of write operations
performed by Bonnie are less than that generally observed in database
workloads [4]. Our database benchmark also runs for 30
seconds doing six million read+write transactions. The third phase of
Bonnie executes just 4000 transactions, which takes less than one
For the first Bonnie phase we used two configurations, van and
cosy_fast, where we compare fastread and
rewrite performance. cosy_fast is useful in the first
phase as both
fastread and rewrite exploit the zero-copy
techniques. When performing block data writes in the second phase it
is not possible to save any data copies. This is why we use van
and cosy for the second phase. We ran the benchmarks for
exponentially increasing file sizes from 4-512MB.
* ls
Listing directory contents can be enhanced by the Cosy framework.
Here we benchmarked our own Cosy ls program and compared it to a
standard ls program. We ran this program with the -l
option in order to force ls to make a stat system call for
each file listed. We used all three configurations defined in
4.1: van, cosy, and cosy_fast.
The Cosy versions of the ls benchmark program creates a compound
that performs getdents and uses its results to determine the
entries to be stated. This compound is then sent to the kernel
for execution. The cosy_fast benchmark uses a special
cosy_stat system call,
which is a zero-copy version of the generic stat system call
(automatically selected by Cosy-GCC). We performed this benchmark to
show the effectiveness of new Cosy system calls. We benchmarked
ls with cold cache to test the performance of the special Cosy
systems calls under a worst-case scenario.
For each configuration we ran this benchmark for 5000 and 50000 files
and recorded the elapsed, system, and user times. We unmounted and
remounted the file system between each test to ensure cold cache.
* grep
grep is another common user application that can benefit from
Cosy. grep represents the class of applications that read a
lot of data and work on that data without modifying it. In this
regard, it is similar to checksumming or volume rendering applications
We used three configurations van, cosy, and
cosy_fast to analyze the performance of grep. The Cosy
versions of the grep benchmark create a compound that opens a
specified file, reads each 4096 byte chunk, executes a user-supplied
function that searches the chunk for a particular string, and repeats
this process until an end-of-file is reached. This process is
repeated for a specified number of files using a for loop.
The difference between the two versions of these Cosy benchmarks is
that cosy copies the chunk back to the user-space, while
cosy_fast works on the kernel buffer avoiding the copy back to user
We ran this benchmark for an increasing number of 8K files; however, we
plot the graphs against the total size of data read. The total size
of data varies from 128K to 2MB. We chose a file size of 8K as it is
observed that most accessed files are small [20].
4.4 General Purpose Benchmarks Results
Database Simulation
Both versions of Cosy perform better than van.
cosy_fast shows a 64% improvement, while cosy shows a 26%
improvement in the elapsed time as seen in Figure
3. cosy_fast is better than cosy by
38%. This additional benefit is the result of the zero-copy savings.
The improvements achieved are stable even when the working data set
size exceeds system memory bounds, since the I/O is interspersed with
function calls.
Figure 3: Elapsed time (top) and system time (bottom) percentage
improvements for the Cosy database benchmark (over VAN).
Figure 4 shows the absolute elapsed and system
times for the database benchmark. We show absolute times to
understand the extent of saving achieved by the application.
cosy_fast is 20 seconds faster than van and 12 seconds faster
than cosy. In the user time both versions of Cosy perform
better than van, saving over 6 seconds. We do not report the
I/O (wait) time for this test, because the I/O is interspersed with
CPU usage, and hence insignificant (less than 1%).
Figure 4: Absolute elapsed times (top) and system times (bottom)
for the Cosy database benchmark.
We also tested the scalability of Cosy, when multiple processes are
modifying a file concurrently. We repeated the database test for 2 and
4 processes. We kept the total number of transactions performed by
all processes together fixed at six million. We compared these results
with the results observed for a single process. We found the results
were indistinguishable and they showed the same performance benefits
of 60-70%. This demonstrates that Cosy is beneficial in a
multiprocessor environment as well.
We explain the results of Bonnie in three phases: fastread, rewrite,
and fastwrite.
As shown in Figure 5(a), the Cosy version of
fastread showed a considerable performance improvement of
80%, until it is bound by the amount of available memory (in this
case 128MB). Cosy provides savings in system time by avoiding
unnecessary data copies. When an application triggers heavy I/O
activity, the savings achieved by Cosy become less significant when
compared to I/O time. Hence, we observed the drop in the performance
improvement at 128MB.
Figure 5: Elapsed time percentage improvements for the Cosy
Bonnie fastread (left), rewrite (middle), and fastwrite (right)
benchmark (Compared to VAN).
The rewrite phase using Cosy shows performance benefits of 30-90%
over the van. cosy_fast exploits the zero-copy technique
to bypass the data copy back to the user. The major improvement comes
from savings in system time. The drop in improvement occurs when the
benchmark begins to fill up the memory as indicated by Figure
Figure 5(c) indicates that the Cosy version of
fastwrite is better than van by 45-90% for file sizes
up to 64MB. When the benchmark begins to fill available system memory
(128MB), the performance gains observed in Cosy are overshadowed by
the increasing I/O time and by Linux's page flushing algorithm
(suspend all process activity and purge caches
aggressively). fastwrite is an I/O-intensive benchmark.
Currently, Cosy is not designed to help with I/O; hence, as the I/O
activity increases, the Cosy performance benefits become less
Figure 6 shows the system, user, and elapsed times
taken by VAN, COSY, and COSY_FAST for
listing of 5000 and 50000 files. COSY shows an 8%
improvement over VAN. COSY_FAST performs 85%
better than VAN for both the cases. The results indicate
that Cosy performs well for small as well as large workloads,
demonstrating its scalability.
Figure 6: Elapsed, system, and user times for the Cosy
ls -l benchmark. Note the left and right side of the
graph use different scales.
System time savings for cosy are small when compared to
cosy_fast. cosy_fast uses the zero-copy version of
stat and hence it is faster than the non-zero-copy version
( cosy). We performed this benchmark with a cold cache. The
improvements in the cosy_fast results indicate that Cosy is useful
even when the data is not present in memory, provided the amount of
I/O involved is small.
Cosy versions of grep perform better than van. Figure
7 shows that cosy is 13% better than
van and cosy_fast is 20% better than van.
Figure 7: Elapsed time percentage improvements for the Cosy grep benchmark (compared to VAN).
The system time for the Cosy versions of grep is large
compared to van. System time is primarily composed of three
components, (1) the time taken by in-memory data copies, (2) the time
taken by the user-supplied function, and (3) other system call and
Cosy overhead. In the Cosy versions of grep, major chunks of
code are executed in the kernel, resulting in an increase in the
system time taken by user functions. However, the user time for the Cosy
versions of grep is reduced by that same amount. The savings
in data copies (a component of system time) and in user time more than
compensate for the increase in system time due to the user function.
From this result we can conclude that even if the system time
increases, the overall performance can be improved as a result of
savings in data copies and user time.
5 Related Work
The related work section is divided into three parts: composing
multiple operations into a single call, zero-copy techniques, and
security techniques for executing user code in kernel mode.
5.1 Composition of Operations
The networking community has long known that better throughput can be
achieved by exchanging more data at once than repeatedly in smaller
units. Analysis of NFSv2 traffic has shown that a large fraction of
RPC calls use a readdir operation followed by many getattr
operations [26,32]. To improve its
performance, the NFSv3 protocol includes a new RPC procedure called
readdirplus [5]. This procedure combines
readdir and getattr from NFSv2: in one operation,
readdirplus reads the contents of a directory and returns both the
entries in that directory and the attributes for each entry. The
NFSv4 design took this idea a step further by creating simple
Compound Operations [24]. An NFSv4 client can combine
any number of basic NFS operations into a single compound message and
send that entire message to an NFSv4 server for processing. The NFSv4
server processes each operation in the compound in turn, returning
results for each operation in one reply. Aggregation of NFSv4
operations can provide performance benefits over slow network
channels. In the context of system calls, the slow channels that
prohibit the user application from getting optimal performance are
context switches and data copies. We apply the idea of aggregation to
make the slow channel more efficient, thereby improving the
performance of applications.
Many Internet applications such as HTTP and FTP servers often perform
a common task: read a file from disk and send it over the network to a
remote client. To achieve this in user level, a program must open the
file, read its data, and write it out on a socket. These actions
require several context switches and data copies. To speed up this
common action, several vendors created a new system call that can send
a file's contents to an outgoing socket in one operation. AIX and
Linux use a system call called sendfile() and Microsoft's IIS
has a similar function named TransmitFile(). HTTP servers using
such new system calls report performance improvements ranging from
92% to 116% [12]. sendfile() and
similar system calls require additional effort for each new system
call. Many systems also have a limit on the number of system calls
that can be easily integrated into the kernel. Just as the
transition from NFSv3 to NFSv4 recognized that not every conceivable
compound should require a new operation, Cosy can create new compounds
without the need for additional kernel modifications or many new system
5.2 Zero-Copy Techniques
Zero-copy is an old concept and many ideas have been explored by
researchers in different contexts. The essence of all of these
attempts is to build a fast path between the user application, the
kernel and the underlying device. IBM's adaptive fast path
architecture [12] aims to improve the efficiency
of network servers using a zero-copy path by keeping the static
contents in a RAM-based cache. Zero-copy had also been used on file
data to enhance the system performance by doing intelligent I/O buffer
management (known as fast buffers)
[15] and data transfer across the protection domain
boundaries. The fast buffer facility combines virtual page remapping
with shared virtual memory.
Tux is a commercially available in-kernel Web server that utilizes
zero-copy techniques for network and disk operations [19].
Different zero-copy techniques are useful for different applications.
We studied these zero-copy techniques and adopted some of them. Cosy
provides a generalized interface to utilize these zero-copy
5.3 Kernel Space Execution of Untrusted Code
Typed Assembly Language (TAL) is an approach toward
safe execution of user programs in kernel mode [28]. TAL
is a safe kernel mode execution mechanism. The safety is verified
through the type checker, thus relying on static code checking to
avoid runtime checking. Still, array bounds checking (similar to BCC
[3]) is done at runtime adding overhead. In our approach, we
use hardware security mechanisms such as segmentation to protect
against malicious memory references [6]. This
reduces runtime overhead.
Extensible operating systems like SPIN [2],
ExoKernel [11,9], and VINO
[22] let an application apply certain
customizations to tailor the behavior of the operating system to the
needs of the application. The goal of the research in this area is to
let applications extend the behavior of the system without
compromising the integrity and safety of the system.
The ExoKernel allows users to describe the on-disk data structures and
the methods to implement them. ExoKernels provide application specific
handlers (ASHs) [30] that facilitate downloading code
into the kernel to improve performance of networking applications.
SPIN allows the downloading and running of type-safe Modula-3 code.
Depending upon the application SPIN can be extended by adding a new
extension written in Modula-3. Extensions add special features to the
existing operating system in order to enhance the performance of the
VINO shares a similar goal as that of the ExoKernel or SPIN. VINO
allows extensions written in C or C++ to be downloaded into the
kernel. VINO uses fault isolation via software to ensure the safety
of the extensions [23]. It also uses a safe compiler
developed at Harvard to validate memory accesses in the extension.
This compiler also assures protection against self-modifying code.
Cosy shares many commonalities with this work such as
compiler-assisted techniques to ensure the safety of the untrusted
code. Cosy, however, uses hardware-assisted fault isolation.
The problem with these approaches is their specialization: using
specialized operating systems that are not widely used, or requiring
languages that are not common. Conversely, Cosy is prototyped on a
common operating system (Linux) and it supports a subset of a widely
used language (C).
Lucco uses the software fault isolation [29] to run
applications written in any language securely in the kernel. They use
a binary rewriting technique to add explicit checks to verify the
memory accesses and branch addresses. We provide similar guarantees
but instead of using software based memory validation, we use the x86
segmentation feature to achieve the same goal. Software checks add
overhead when working with extensions involving movement across
multiple segments.
Proof carrying code [14] is another technique that
allows the execution of untrusted code without adding runtime checks.
While compiling the code, it is verified against a given policy. If
the code satisfies that policy, then a proof is attached. The proof
is verified quickly during runtime. For very complex code, generating
a safety proof may be an undecidable task
[14]; because of this, tedious hand-crafting of code
may be necessary.
Packet filters also address the problem of porting user code to the
kernel [10,21]. Mogul et. al. and the BSD
packet filter improve the performance of user-level network protocols
by making use of a kernel resident, protocol independent packet
filter. The concept of a packet filter is inherently limited to
network protocols. It is useful under special circumstances; however,
it is not meant to be sufficiently general to apply to all sorts of
user applications. Our approach provides a more generic API which is
not present in the packet filter.
Java 2 Micro Edition is designed to function as an operating system
for embedded devices. Devices such as cellular phones, handhelds, and
consumer electronics can download code and then safely execute it
[27]. Java converts source code into an intermediate form to be
interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine within a sandbox. Both Java and
Cosy provide safety through runtime checking. Java, however,
interprets its byte code and allows for a greater variety of
extensions; Cosy simply decodes instructions passed to it from user
One closely-related work to ours is Riesen's use of kernel extensions
to decrease the latency of user level communication
[18]. The basic idea in both approaches is
to move user code into the kernel and execute it in kernel
mode. Riesen's proposal discusses various approaches that are adopted
to address this problem. It compares various methods to achieve
improved performance and then proposes to use the approach of a kernel
embedded interpreter to safely introduce untrusted user-level code
into the kernel. Riesen discusses the use of complier techniques to
convert a C program into intermediate low-level assembly code that can
be directly executed by the interpreter residing inside the
kernel. Riesen's work differs from ours in that we do not interpret
code to be loaded into the kernel but rather encode several calls into
one structure. Unfortunately, Riesen's work was neither officially
published nor completed and hence results are not available for
6 Conclusions
Our work has the following three contributions:
- We provide a generic interface to several zero-copy techniques. Thus
many applications can benefit from Cosy.
Cosy supports a subset of a widely-used language, namely C, making Cosy
easy to work with. Cosy allows loops, arithmetic operations, and even
function calls, thus allowing a wide range of code to be moved into
the kernel.
We have prototyped Cosy on Linux, which is a commonly-used operating
system. Many widely-used user applications exist for Linux. We show
improvement in the performance of such commonly-used applications. This
improvement is achieved without compromising safety.
We have prototyped the Cosy system in Linux and evaluated it under a
variety of workloads. Our micro-benchmarks show that individual
system calls are sped up by 40-90% for non-I/O bound common user
applications. Moreover, we modified popular user applications that
exhibit sequential or random access patterns (e.g., a database) to use
Cosy. For non-I/O bound applications, with just very minimal code
changes, we achieved a performance speedup of up to 20-80% over that
of unmodified versions of these applications
6.1 Future Work
The Cosy work is an important step toward the ultimate goal of being
able to execute unmodified Unix/C programs in kernel mode. The major
hurdles in achieving this goal are safety concerns.
We plan to explore heuristic approaches to authenticate untrusted
code. The behavior of untrusted code will be observed for some
specific period and once the untrusted code is considered safe, the
security checks will be dynamically turned off. This will allow us to
address the current safety limitations involving self-modifying and
hand-crafted user-supplied functions.
Intel's next generation processors are designed to support security
technology that will have a protected space in main memory for a
secure execution mode [17]. We plan to explore such
hardware features to achieve secure execution of code in the kernel
with minimal overhead.
To extend the performance gains achieved by Cosy, we are designing an
I/O-aware version of Cosy. We are exploring various smart-disk
technologies [25] and typical disk access patterns
to make Cosy I/O conscious.
7 Acknowledgments
This work was partially made possible by an NSF CAREER award
EIA-0133589, and HP/Intel gifts numbers 87128 and 88415.1.
The work described in this paper is Open Source Software and is available
for download from
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version 3.40.
On 14 Aug 2003, 13:38.