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7.1.1 Project Transformations

The project transformations include remove, rename, add, and move. The project transformations operate on the labels and rows individually to produce a new relation. The new relation replaces the old relation.

remove takes a single argument, which is the column name to remove, this column must exist or remove fails.

epoch thread elapsed cpu
1 1 10 4
2 1 12 5
3 1 11 4
4 1 9 3
5 1 10 4

Relation 7.1

If the current relation is Relation 7.1, and the transform remove("thread") yields rel2.

epoch elapsed cpu
1 10 4
2 12 5
3 11 4
4 9 3
5 10 4

Relation 7.2

rename takes two arguments. The first is the old name of the column, and the second is the new name of the column. The old name must exist, and the new name must not exist. Using Relation 7.1 as a starting point, rename("epoch", "Test Number") yields rel3.

Test Number thread elapsed cpu
1 1 10 4
2 1 12 5
3 1 11 4
4 1 9 3
5 1 10 4

Relation 7.3

add also takes two arguments, the first is the name of the new column and the second argument is an expression that undergoes row replacement (to be described later) and is then passed to Perl's eval function. For example, if we wanted to add wait time (the amount of time a process spends not running) to Relation 7.1, we could transform it using add("wait", "$elapsed - $cpu") and yield rel4:

epoch thread elapsed cpu wait
1 1 10 4 6
2 1 12 5 7
3 1 11 4 7
4 1 9 3 6
5 1 10 4 6

Relation 7.4

move reorders the fields of the tuples. Move takes two arguments, the first is a column which must exist and the second is the index to move to starting from zero. This is useful to provide a canonical ordering to important fields in all of the relations when printing results.

If we use Relation 7.1 as our starting point, move(thread,0) yields rel5:

thread epoch elapsed cpu
1 1 10 4
1 2 12 5
1 3 11 4
1 4 9 3
1 5 10 4

Relation 7.5

The update transformation takes two arguments, the first is a column name to update, and the second is an expression. update("foo", expression) is semantically equivalent to:
          add_col("temporary_name", expression)
          rename_col("temporary_name", "foo")

The update operation, however, does not reorder the columns and is done in a single pass through the relation.