Vasily Tarasov's page at FSL

Warning Attention: I no longer maintain this page actively. It is here mainly for historical reasons. Please, go to my IBM personal Web-page for up-to-date information:
About me
About me

In 2013 I got my Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science from Stony Brook University under the supervision of Prof. Erez Zadok. I'm currently employed at IBM Research - Almaden in the Storage Systems group. My research interests include Operating Systems, File Systems, Storage, Performance Analysis, Green Technologies, and Services Science. At FSL I worked within the frameworks of fsbench, green and hpcperf projects. I received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics and Physics at MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Before coming to Stony Brook I was employed as a kernel developer by Parallels for two years. I was mostly involved in the OpenVZ project there. In summer 2009 I interned at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and in summer 2010 and 2012 at the IBM Research - Almaden.


While working on different projects, I delve into various areas of computer systems. In this section, I put assorted information that was of particular interest to me:

As part of FSL I'm an official maintainer of Filebench file system and storage benchmark. You can find more about Filebench's unique characteristics at its official page.
DataSeries documentation (alternative URL)
DataSeries is a file format, library and a set of associated tools for efficient processing and storage of I/O traces. FSL and Harvey Mudd College try to put together documentation on this format to make it more usable by community.
Linux Asynchronous I/O Explained
We use Linux asynchronous I/O interface in our trace replayer. While working on it I felt that certain useful information about AIO interface is missing on the Web and decided to write my own story.
Papers Contacts

I try to answer all e-mails but sometimes it takes a while. And I noticed that "a while" becomes longer :( I'm sorry in advance!

E-mail: tarasov AT vasily dot name

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Last update: 2014 Apr 17